Category Archives: Favorite Author

RELEASE BLITZ: Cade by Bella Jewel

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Cade by Bella Jewel is now live! 

The MC SINNERS continues with Cade’s story. Continue the love affair as Addison and Cade navigate his past. It’ll either make or break them. I guess you’ll have to continue to find out. Enter, if you dare.

You all know her story.

You’ve lived it. Felt it. Breathed it.

The focus has always been on her.

Why wouldn’t it be? She’s the fucking sunshine.

She changed my life.

She made me the man I am.

So, I kept my story hidden, in the darkest depths where it belongs.

My life is good, and I have no desire to change it.

That is until my feisty, fiery, stubborn woman decides to make it her mission to find out what secrets lie beneath the surface.

There is no voice of reason.

She won’t hear me when I tell her that I don’t want her going down that road.

Rocky, jagged, and broken – she’s tearing us apart in her quest to find answers.

She doesn’t want those answers, because gone will be the picture she created of me in her already shattered mind.

I’ll no longer be the man who rescued her, who changed her life, who made her better.

Instead, I’ll be cast aside with all the other villains in her story.

Because, if she keeps on digging, I’m going to become the monster in her mind.

I can’t let that happen.

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Meet Bella Jewel

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon release. Since that time, she has published over twenty-five novels, gaining a bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland with her fiancé and four beautiful kids. Bella has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013 she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. In 2016 she signed a three book deal with St Martin’s Press, and another three just a year later. She plans to expand her writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

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RELEASE BLITZ: The Sinner by Marni Mann

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The Sinner by Marni Mann is now live! 

A scorching hot, he-falls-first, touch-her-and-die, billionaire romance from USA Today best-selling author Marni Mann …

The first time I saw her, I wanted her.
The second time I saw her, I knew she had to be mine.
Beautiful blonde hair. Cornflower-blue eyes. Body to die for.
All things I knew I couldn’t live without.
But after one night, she ghosted me, leaving me desperate for another taste.
I was usually the one to walk out the door before the morning light came.
This time, it was her, but not without becoming my obsession in the process.
Lily was a mystery.
She had a past shrouded in secrets she was unwilling to divulge.
She was running from something, and I was determined to find out what it was.
And once I did, I’d do anything to protect her.
They called me the sinner for a reason.
Because I wouldn’t hesitate to burn down the world or cross any line to save her.

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


Meet Marni

USA Today best-selling author Marni Mann knew she was going to be a writer since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about teenage pop stars, Marni was fantasizing about penning her first novel. She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotions. A New Englander at heart, she now lives with her husband in Sarasota, Florida. When she’s not nose deep in her laptop, working on her next novel, she’s scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling, boating, or devouring fabulous books. Want to get in touch?

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RELEASE BLITZ: Rule Breakers Fall Hardest by Micalea Smeltzer

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Rule Breakers Fall Hardest by Micalea Smeltzer is now live! 

Once upon a time, Daire Hendricks was my childhood crush. He was always there, saving me from his annoying brothers. He was my rock, my safe place from my overbearing family.

Until he wasn’t.

Imagine my annoyance when we end up at the same university and I have to see his smug, too-handsome-for-his-own-good face all over campus.

Every time we cross paths, we spew hateful words at each other, so imagine my surprise when he seeks me out and utters the most surprising question.

“Marry me?”

He needs my help, and his solution is marriage. It’s a pretty big ask, but somehow, I find myself saying yes. We might hate each other now, but the benefits of this arrangement are worth it.

But what neither of us expects, is when playing house starts to feel a little too real.

Falling for each other was never part of the plan, but you know what they say about the best laid plans?

They often go awry.

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Meet Micalea

Micalea Smeltzer is a twenty-something author from Northern Virginia. She has four dogs, which is as crazy as it sounds. As a recent kidney transplant recipient she’s dedicated to raising awareness around the effects of kidney disease, dialysis, and transplant as well as educating people on living donation.When she’s not writing you can catch her with her nose buried in a book.

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Blog Tour: So This Is War by Meghan Quinn

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When it comes to Wylie Wood, I’m in a whole lot of trouble.

SO THIS IS WAR, a brand-new standalone romance from USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn, is Now Available in all formats!

🏒 Hockey
🏅 Coach’s Daughter
📝 Boss/Assistant
🏠 Roomies-to-Lovers
🔟 Age Gap
🔥 They Fight Fire with Fire
🛏 Forced Proximity
🚫 Forbidden
💙 He Falls First

Don’t miss this all new coach’s daughter, workplace, forbidden standalone sports romance featuring the hockey men you can’t get enough of. This steamy, roommates-to-lovers romantic comedy will bring all the laughs while burning up the pages at the same time.

One-click your copy of this sexy, laugh-out-loud romance today!

About SO THIS IS WAR (Coming 6/25/2024):

Did I think I was going to fall for my coach’s daughter?

The answer would be no. 

I’m still unclear on how I got into this predicament in the first place. A year ago, I was a man with one thought on his mind, the redhead I met at a hotel bar. Twelve months later, I found her. 

Unfortunately for me, she not only happens to be my very off-limits coach’s daughter, but also . . . my new assistant and roommate. 

I don’t even need an assistant, but Coach Wood doesn’t take no for an answer. Add in him writing up tasks for his daughter, Wylie, to complete for me? Well, it’s his own form of sweet torture. We are talking tasks that I would never ask her to do. 

Tasks that make her despise me. 

Hate me. 

That make her utter four words that cause a shiver to crawl up my spine . . . Posey, this is war.


USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

Never miss another NEW RELEASE, text READ to 474747.

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COVER REVEAL: The One I Didn’t See Coming by Piper Rayne

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Piper Rayne has revealed the gorgeous covers for The One I Didn’t See Coming!

Releasing: September 10, 2024

Cover Design: Hang Le

Photographer: Regina Wamba

The third book in the Plain Daisy Ranch series by USA Today Bestselling Duo, Piper Rayne.

Full Blurb Coming Soon!

Pre-order your copy today!

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Meet Piper Rayne

Piper Rayne is a USA Today Bestselling Author duo who write “heartwarming humor with a side of sizzle” about families, whether that be blood or found. They both have e-readers full of one-clickable books, they’re married to husbands who drive them to drink, and they’re both chauffeurs to their kids. Most of all, they love hot heroes and quirky heroines who make them laugh, and they hope you do, too!

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Release Blitz with Review: Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne

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Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne is now live! 

A dark, contemporary, billionaire romance featuring anti-hero, secret society and close proximity tropes from USA Today Bestselling duo P. Rayne.

I spend my nights slinging drinks at Black Magic Bar or taking my clothes off at the local strip club. After my father passed, my stepmother gave me no other choice.

But when I break free of the chains binding me to my family estate, I find myself with nowhere to go. Until Nero Voss, the youngest of the billionaire Voss brothers, offers me a room at Midnight Manor. Now, I’m under his watchful gaze and enjoying it more than I should.

I shouldn’t give in to temptation, he is my stepsister’s ex-fiancé after all, but the pull toward him grows stronger by the day. I fight, but I’m losing the battle.

Nero is keeping secrets, though.

What he doesn’t know is that I’m keeping secrets, too.

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Midnight Whispers is the third book in the Midnight Manor and follows the story of Cinder and Nero. Midnight Whispers is a modern-day, retelling of Cinderella. Much like the OG story, when Cinder’s father passes away, her stepmom and stepsisters make it their mission to be as cruel as possible to Cinder. Meanwhile, Cinder’s stepsister, Maude is set to marry the “man of her dreams”, Nero. All is going to plan until Nero discovers a huge secret Maude has been keeping….

Midnight Whispers is a fantastic addition to the Midnight Manor series. P. Rayne did a fantastic job with this Cinderella retelling and I loved the personal spin they put on it. While Cinder found herself in a precarious situation with her stepfamily, she tried her best not to let them break her or weaken her. When Cinder finally found the courage to walk away from the only life she knew, all bets were off, especially when Nero came into the story. While all of the Voss brothers have a dark and complicated past, Nero definitely gave them a run for their money. On the outside, Nero may seem in total control, but he becomes obsessed when he has his sights set on something. And his latest obsession is Cinder. Cinder tests his restraint at every turn, and while stalking is normally a huge red flag/turn-off, it worked with this story.

Together, Cinder and Nero were unstoppable. It seemed as though nothing Nero could say or do would scare Cinder away. Cinder provided Nero with the love and understanding he’s always been seeking. He was free to be himself without worry of judgment. And the chemistry between them was absolutely scorching. These two seriously burned up the pages and weren’t afraid to make you blush.

Midnight Whispers delivered in every way possible. It hooked me from the first page and left me begging for more. Not only was this story absolutely sinful but it was filled with just the right amount of drama and angst to leave readers hanging on each and every word. I loved everything about this story, from beginning to end, and can not wait to read more of the Midnight Manor series.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review.*

Meet P. Rayne

The darker side of USA Today Bestselling Author, Piper Rayne. 

Connect with P. Rayne 







Excerpt Reveal: SO THIS IS WAR by Meghan Quinn

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From USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling author Meghan Quinn, comes a new coach’s daughter, workplace, forbidden standalone sports romance featuring the hockey men you can’t get enough of. This steamy, roommates-to-lovers romantic comedy will bring all the laughs while burning up the pages at the same time.

Releasing June 25th in all formats, check out the tropes and excerpt below and pre-order your copy today!

🏒 Hockey
🏅 Coach’s Daughter
📝 Boss/Assistant
🏠 Roomies-to-Lovers
🔟 Age Gap
🔥 They Fight Fire with Fire
🛏 Forced Proximity
🚫 Forbidden
💙 He Falls First

About SO THIS IS WAR (Coming 6/25/2024):

Did I think I was going to fall for my coach’s daughter?

The answer would be no. 

I’m still unclear on how I got into this predicament in the first place. A year ago, I was a man with one thought on his mind, the redhead I met at a hotel bar. Twelve months later, I found her. 

Unfortunately for me, she not only happens to be my very off-limits coach’s daughter, but also . . . my new assistant and roommate. 

I don’t even need an assistant, but Coach Wood doesn’t take no for an answer. Add in him writing up tasks for his daughter, Wylie, to complete for me? Well, it’s his own form of sweet torture. We are talking tasks that I would never ask her to do. 

Tasks that make her despise me. 

Hate me. 

That make her utter four words that cause a shiver to crawl up my spine . . . Posey, this is war. 


Read the Prologue Here!


“I want him off my fucking team. Now!”

My testicles shrivel into dust as Coach Wood screams at Andie Lintour, the general manager for the Vancouver Agitators.

Spittle flies off his lip.

Eyebrows are slanted like knives, ready to strike.

And the veins in his neck protrude, making me question if it will be his hands that choke me or the scary, pulsing veins.

“Will, we can’t—”

“He was fucking my daughter! We can do whatever the hell I say.”

Did you wince? Because I did.

I know what you’re thinking. Posey, you’re about to lose your life at the hands of your fuming, spitting, hulking-out coach. And your assessment of the situation is a fair and accurate one.

Because yes, I’ve never felt closer to death than at this moment right now.

To bring you up to speed, yes, I was fucking his daughter.

Yes, it was in the locker room.

Yes, it was out in the open where anyone could walk in.

Was it stupid? Absolutely.

Have I lost my mind? One hundred percent.

Do I have any defense? Not one.

Nope, this was pure stupidity. This was a move by a desperate man brought to his knees.

A weak man.

A man with no morals.

A man infatuated with a woman he can’t control himself around.

“I understand the circumstances,” Andie says in her calming voice, “but we can’t get rid of a player because he was having relations with your daughter. Posey is one of the best defensemen in the entire league.” If I wasn’t so terrified, I’d puff my chest. “He’s under a no-trade clause. Even if we wanted to get rid of him, we couldn’t.”

I’m not sure if I should be grateful for that clause because, at the moment, it wouldn’t hurt to at least escape the darkness of death clouding Coach Wood’s expression.

“Then he’s benched,” Wood says as he looks me in the eyes, nostrils flaring. “Did you hear that, you bologna-loving motherfucker? You’re benched.”

I swallow deeply as I dig my fingertips into the armrests of my chair. Not sure why he had to drag the bologna into this, but I don’t bother asking as the vein in his bald head looks like it’s maxed out on stress. “I, uh, yes, I heard you the first time,” I say, causing him to grow angrier.

“Once again, Will, I don’t believe we can do that. We pay him a lot of money—”

“We do.” Will paces his office, and every time he goes near me, my ass clenches in anticipation of a ninja knife hand right to my trachea. “We pay him plenty of money, so why don’t we just put him on the injured list, say he has a sore toe, and then he can figure out with his agent what he’s doing for next year because he sure as fuck won’t be playing on my ice.”

Now, is Coach Wood being a touch extreme? Some might say yes without any context because who really wants to bench their starting defenseman? It’s not the smartest move as a coach, but the man has a good reason.

And sure, I shouldn’t be taking his side. I should be defending myself and the ability to have sexual relations with anyone I damn well please, but here’s the thing . . . the situation runs a little deeper than what you see on the surface.

It’s more complicated.

I didn’t just fuck some random girl on an arbitrary day in our locker room.

The coach’s daughter was riding me, completely naked, in the middle of the locker room after he struck a deal with me to hire his daughter as my assistant to teach her a lesson.

And before you even ask, no, the lesson was not on the science of how the penis meets the vagina.

It was a tough lesson about life.

So yeah, this really is on me.

**Raises hand** Yup, I take the blame.


The only question is, how the hell am I going to get around this? From the way he spoke so cruelly of my precious bologna, I don’t think offering him a daily sandwich—made by yours truly—is going to mend the severed ties we’ve created.

Nope, this will take a monumental, epic proposal of apologies, especially if I want to stay on this team. Which I do. My boys are here. My life is here.

She’s here . . .

Which means I need a plan.

But I swore I wouldn’t get them involved.

I said over and over again that I wouldn’t use their idiotic advice or poorly constructed ideas, but I think desperate times call for desperate measures.

It’s time to call on the Frozen Fellas.


USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

Never miss another NEW RELEASE, text READ to 474747.

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Release Blitz with Review: Wings of Dusk by R.K. Lilley

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Wings of Dusk by R.K. Lilley is now live!

A guardian’s duty is to protect their charge.
It is a holy bond, unbreakable outside of death.
You must never leave their side. You must never show emotion.
You must never cross a line. You must never fall in love.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

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A black and white sign with white text
 Description automatically generated


Author R.K. Lilley knocks it out of the park with this first book in the Arcane Angels series!

Venefica’s life is anything but ordinary. Her ambitious mother is always trying to find the perfect love match for her, despite Venefica’s objections. As you can imagine, it puts an unbelievable strain on their relationship. As if that wasn’t enough, Venefica is one of the lucky ones, chosen to have her own guardian. Also known as angels, guardians have one purpose: to protect their charge. They’re absolutely not supposed to fall in love…

Wings of Dusk kicks off this series to one heck of a start. I loved the characters and the fantastic world-building. I was utterly fascinated by this world where angels and magic existed. I couldn’t help but be drawn to Venefica and Battle as soon as I met them. Their banter was so entertaining and you could tell there was a deeper connection simmering between them and I couldn’t wait to see them explore it further.

Filled with delicious tension, secrets, lies, and sexy good times, Wings of Dusk is not to be missed. I was utterly consumed by this story and devoured it in a single sitting. I was on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next. And just when I thought I knew where this story would go, the rug was pulled out from me and I was given one heck of a plot twist. The ending flat-out killed me and left me desperate to find out what would happen next.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*

Meet R.K. Lilley

R.K. Lilley lives in Texas with her husband and their two beautiful sons. She’s had a lot of interesting jobs, from being a first class flight attendant, to being a stablehand, but swears she never knew what hard work was until she had children. She’s been addicted to both reading and writing fiction since she can remember. She loves to travel, read, hike, paint, game, watch anime, and make the most of every single day. She is the author of In Flight, Bad Things, and Breaking Him, to name a few.

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COVER REVEAL: Undeniably Forbidden by J. Saman (

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J. Saman has revealed the gorgeous cover for Undeniably Forbidden!

Releasing: July 22, 2024

Cover Design: Lori Jackson Design

Photographer: Michelle Lancaster

Model: Sean

In my defense, I had no clue the gorgeous guy I had a wildly steamy night with was my brother’s best friend. Or the single dad of the little girl I was about to nanny.

I hadn’t seen Dr. Owen Fritz since I was twelve and he was twenty-four, but even back then, I didn’t care much about him.

He was doing his billionaire, master-of-the-universe, medical school thing, and I was too into art and books to notice anyone.

Now he’s cold and broody, but he doesn’t scare me the way he does everyone else.

He’s been scarred, but I’ve been scarred worse.

We both promise to leave that night in the past, vowing to keep this secret between us and stay professional from now on.

Especially since I’m living with him—sleeping down the hall from him—and his adorable little girl.

Until one night of hell changes everything and all those promises we’ve been struggling to keep don’t just break, they shatter.

Now there’s no holding him back.

And the more he watches me with those magnetic eyes or whisks me into dark corners and puts his heated hands on my body, the more I forget why what we’re doing is so undeniably forbidden.

We’re playing with an unstoppable fire.

And we’re both about to get burned.

Pre-order your copy today!

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Meet J. Saman

J. Saman is a USA Today and Amazon top 40 bestselling author who writes sassy, swoony, and scorching contemporary romances. She is addicted to Diet Coke, sour candy, and indie rock. She swears way too much (especially after a glass of wine) and has a penchant for sarcasm (or so her husband and children like to tell her).

J. is an admitted lover of second chance romances, enemies to lovers, and the perfect amount of angst. She is best known for writing funny and emotional romances filled with smart, strong women, and sexy alphas who have a softer side—especially for their women.

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COVER REVEAL: Asking for Trouble by Giana Darling

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Giana Darling has revealed the gorgeous covers for Asking for Trouble!

Releasing: July 18, 2024

Model Cover Design: Najla Qamber

Discreet Cover Design: Cat Imb, TRC Designs

Photographer: Diego Durden

Model: Fernando Lopez

From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Giana Darling comes a new MC romance about a girl hiding from her past and the biker who becomes her unlikely saviour…

When four thugs showed up at Evergreen Gas Station with cocked shotguns and masked faces, it could have ended in the worst night of my life.

Instead, a gorgeous mystery man in leather, silver, and too many tattoos strolls into the middle of the robbery and becomes my unlikely saviour with a tarnished halo.

Only, what seemed like a random hold-up at first turns into something far more complicated and Aaron Clare isn’t the type of man to leave a woman in distress. Despite my vow not to get into trouble again, I find myself following the man dubbed ‘Boner’ into a night of danger and delicious debauchery with long-reaching consequences.

Be sure to add it to your TBR!


Meet Giana

Giana Darling is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Top 40 Bestselling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance. She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man’s bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her cat, Persephone, and Golden Retriever, Romeo.

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