Category Archives: Age Gap

RELEASE BLITZ: Bright Lights & Summer Nights by Kat Singleton

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Bright Lights & Summer Nights by Kat Singleton is now live! 

Summer nights can be full of surprises.

As a single, unemployed, and unapologetic twenty-five year old mess, I came to the Hamptons this summer for one reason—to focus on myself and work out my quarter-life crisis. I didn’t come here planning to sneak into a private party and meet a handsome stranger.

I definitely didn’t come here expecting for that stranger to be Preston Rhodes—billionaire and superstar quarterback for the Manhattan Mambas.

And that’s not even the crazy part.

He asked me to be his pretend girlfriend for a week while his family is in town. He needed a date for his sister’s wedding, and I’d never turn down the opportunity to be spoiled by a rich man.

The only thing is, Preston’s not very good at pretending.

Now instead of discovering myself, I’m spending the week discovering what life would be like with him. Instead of focusing on me, I’m focusing on how he looks at me, how he touches me, how he wants me.

But now that neither one of us is faking it, I only hope that we can hold on to what we have through the bright lights and summer nights.

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


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Meet Kat Singleton

Kat Singleton is an Amazon top 5 bestselling author best known for writing Black Ties and White Lies. She loves writing elite banter and angst mixed with a heavy dose of spice. Kat strives to write an authentically raw love story for her characters and feels that no book is complete without some emotional turmoil before a happily ever after.

She lives in Kansas with her husband, her two kids, and her two doodles. In her spare time, you can find her surviving off iced coffee and sneaking in a few pages of her current read.

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Excerpt Reveal: SO THIS IS WAR by Meghan Quinn

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From USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling author Meghan Quinn, comes a new coach’s daughter, workplace, forbidden standalone sports romance featuring the hockey men you can’t get enough of. This steamy, roommates-to-lovers romantic comedy will bring all the laughs while burning up the pages at the same time.

Releasing June 25th in all formats, check out the tropes and excerpt below and pre-order your copy today!

🏒 Hockey
🏅 Coach’s Daughter
📝 Boss/Assistant
🏠 Roomies-to-Lovers
🔟 Age Gap
🔥 They Fight Fire with Fire
🛏 Forced Proximity
🚫 Forbidden
💙 He Falls First

About SO THIS IS WAR (Coming 6/25/2024):

Did I think I was going to fall for my coach’s daughter?

The answer would be no. 

I’m still unclear on how I got into this predicament in the first place. A year ago, I was a man with one thought on his mind, the redhead I met at a hotel bar. Twelve months later, I found her. 

Unfortunately for me, she not only happens to be my very off-limits coach’s daughter, but also . . . my new assistant and roommate. 

I don’t even need an assistant, but Coach Wood doesn’t take no for an answer. Add in him writing up tasks for his daughter, Wylie, to complete for me? Well, it’s his own form of sweet torture. We are talking tasks that I would never ask her to do. 

Tasks that make her despise me. 

Hate me. 

That make her utter four words that cause a shiver to crawl up my spine . . . Posey, this is war. 


Read the Prologue Here!


“I want him off my fucking team. Now!”

My testicles shrivel into dust as Coach Wood screams at Andie Lintour, the general manager for the Vancouver Agitators.

Spittle flies off his lip.

Eyebrows are slanted like knives, ready to strike.

And the veins in his neck protrude, making me question if it will be his hands that choke me or the scary, pulsing veins.

“Will, we can’t—”

“He was fucking my daughter! We can do whatever the hell I say.”

Did you wince? Because I did.

I know what you’re thinking. Posey, you’re about to lose your life at the hands of your fuming, spitting, hulking-out coach. And your assessment of the situation is a fair and accurate one.

Because yes, I’ve never felt closer to death than at this moment right now.

To bring you up to speed, yes, I was fucking his daughter.

Yes, it was in the locker room.

Yes, it was out in the open where anyone could walk in.

Was it stupid? Absolutely.

Have I lost my mind? One hundred percent.

Do I have any defense? Not one.

Nope, this was pure stupidity. This was a move by a desperate man brought to his knees.

A weak man.

A man with no morals.

A man infatuated with a woman he can’t control himself around.

“I understand the circumstances,” Andie says in her calming voice, “but we can’t get rid of a player because he was having relations with your daughter. Posey is one of the best defensemen in the entire league.” If I wasn’t so terrified, I’d puff my chest. “He’s under a no-trade clause. Even if we wanted to get rid of him, we couldn’t.”

I’m not sure if I should be grateful for that clause because, at the moment, it wouldn’t hurt to at least escape the darkness of death clouding Coach Wood’s expression.

“Then he’s benched,” Wood says as he looks me in the eyes, nostrils flaring. “Did you hear that, you bologna-loving motherfucker? You’re benched.”

I swallow deeply as I dig my fingertips into the armrests of my chair. Not sure why he had to drag the bologna into this, but I don’t bother asking as the vein in his bald head looks like it’s maxed out on stress. “I, uh, yes, I heard you the first time,” I say, causing him to grow angrier.

“Once again, Will, I don’t believe we can do that. We pay him a lot of money—”

“We do.” Will paces his office, and every time he goes near me, my ass clenches in anticipation of a ninja knife hand right to my trachea. “We pay him plenty of money, so why don’t we just put him on the injured list, say he has a sore toe, and then he can figure out with his agent what he’s doing for next year because he sure as fuck won’t be playing on my ice.”

Now, is Coach Wood being a touch extreme? Some might say yes without any context because who really wants to bench their starting defenseman? It’s not the smartest move as a coach, but the man has a good reason.

And sure, I shouldn’t be taking his side. I should be defending myself and the ability to have sexual relations with anyone I damn well please, but here’s the thing . . . the situation runs a little deeper than what you see on the surface.

It’s more complicated.

I didn’t just fuck some random girl on an arbitrary day in our locker room.

The coach’s daughter was riding me, completely naked, in the middle of the locker room after he struck a deal with me to hire his daughter as my assistant to teach her a lesson.

And before you even ask, no, the lesson was not on the science of how the penis meets the vagina.

It was a tough lesson about life.

So yeah, this really is on me.

**Raises hand** Yup, I take the blame.


The only question is, how the hell am I going to get around this? From the way he spoke so cruelly of my precious bologna, I don’t think offering him a daily sandwich—made by yours truly—is going to mend the severed ties we’ve created.

Nope, this will take a monumental, epic proposal of apologies, especially if I want to stay on this team. Which I do. My boys are here. My life is here.

She’s here . . .

Which means I need a plan.

But I swore I wouldn’t get them involved.

I said over and over again that I wouldn’t use their idiotic advice or poorly constructed ideas, but I think desperate times call for desperate measures.

It’s time to call on the Frozen Fellas.


USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

Never miss another NEW RELEASE, text READ to 474747.

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COVER REVEAL: Undeniably Forbidden by J. Saman (

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J. Saman has revealed the gorgeous cover for Undeniably Forbidden!

Releasing: July 22, 2024

Cover Design: Lori Jackson Design

Photographer: Michelle Lancaster

Model: Sean

In my defense, I had no clue the gorgeous guy I had a wildly steamy night with was my brother’s best friend. Or the single dad of the little girl I was about to nanny.

I hadn’t seen Dr. Owen Fritz since I was twelve and he was twenty-four, but even back then, I didn’t care much about him.

He was doing his billionaire, master-of-the-universe, medical school thing, and I was too into art and books to notice anyone.

Now he’s cold and broody, but he doesn’t scare me the way he does everyone else.

He’s been scarred, but I’ve been scarred worse.

We both promise to leave that night in the past, vowing to keep this secret between us and stay professional from now on.

Especially since I’m living with him—sleeping down the hall from him—and his adorable little girl.

Until one night of hell changes everything and all those promises we’ve been struggling to keep don’t just break, they shatter.

Now there’s no holding him back.

And the more he watches me with those magnetic eyes or whisks me into dark corners and puts his heated hands on my body, the more I forget why what we’re doing is so undeniably forbidden.

We’re playing with an unstoppable fire.

And we’re both about to get burned.

Pre-order your copy today!

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Meet J. Saman

J. Saman is a USA Today and Amazon top 40 bestselling author who writes sassy, swoony, and scorching contemporary romances. She is addicted to Diet Coke, sour candy, and indie rock. She swears way too much (especially after a glass of wine) and has a penchant for sarcasm (or so her husband and children like to tell her).

J. is an admitted lover of second chance romances, enemies to lovers, and the perfect amount of angst. She is best known for writing funny and emotional romances filled with smart, strong women, and sexy alphas who have a softer side—especially for their women.

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COVER REVEAL: Asking for Trouble by Giana Darling

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Giana Darling has revealed the gorgeous covers for Asking for Trouble!

Releasing: July 18, 2024

Model Cover Design: Najla Qamber

Discreet Cover Design: Cat Imb, TRC Designs

Photographer: Diego Durden

Model: Fernando Lopez

From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Giana Darling comes a new MC romance about a girl hiding from her past and the biker who becomes her unlikely saviour…

When four thugs showed up at Evergreen Gas Station with cocked shotguns and masked faces, it could have ended in the worst night of my life.

Instead, a gorgeous mystery man in leather, silver, and too many tattoos strolls into the middle of the robbery and becomes my unlikely saviour with a tarnished halo.

Only, what seemed like a random hold-up at first turns into something far more complicated and Aaron Clare isn’t the type of man to leave a woman in distress. Despite my vow not to get into trouble again, I find myself following the man dubbed ‘Boner’ into a night of danger and delicious debauchery with long-reaching consequences.

Be sure to add it to your TBR!


Meet Giana

Giana Darling is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Top 40 Bestselling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance. She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man’s bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her cat, Persephone, and Golden Retriever, Romeo.

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COVER REVEAL: Twisted Truths by P. Rayne

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P. Rayne has revealed the gorgeous cover for Twisted Truths!

Releasing: August 8, 2024

Cover Design: Regina Wamba

Twisted Truths is the fourth and final book in the Midnight Manor series, and Obsidian Voss’s book.

Full blurb coming soon!

Pre-order your copy today!


Meet P. Rayne

The darker side of USA Today Bestselling Author, Piper Rayne. 

Connect with P. Rayne 







COVER REVEAL: Damage by Cassandra Robbins

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Cassandra Robbins has revealed the gorgeous cover for Damage!

Releasing: July 25, 2024

Cover Designer: Emily Wittig

Photographer: Juliana Andrade

Model: Wander Aguiar

Never fall for your father’s best friend…

Full blurb coming soon!

Pre-order your copy today!


Meet Cassandra

Cassandra Robbins is a USA Today, Amazon Top 20, KDP All-star and International bestselling author. She threatened to write a romance novel for years. Robbins finally let the voices take over with her debut novel, The Entitled. She’s a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic driven to create obsessive, angst-filled characters who have to fight for their happily ever after. Cassandra resides in Los Angeles with her hot husband, two beautiful children, a fluffy Samoyed, Stanley, and a fuzzy goldendoodle, Fozzie Bear. Her family and friends are her lifeline but writing is her passion.

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Release Tour for The Handshake Agreement by A. Akinosho

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Declan promised Anne the world, then abandoned her at the altar because of an old deal. When he finds her years later, she’s engaged to another man, but Declan still considers Anne his. He’ll cheat, steal, and fight before letting her marry another man. Readers who enjoy instalove romance reads with possessive, alpha males will devour The Handshake Agreement by A. Akinosho, a steamy, age gap, second chance, fake marriage romance.

Read Now!

He promised her the world,

Then, abandoned her at the altar.


I’m a realist, cynical about falling in love. Until I met Declan – the rich and powerful player. With his quiet determination, he dismantled my cynicism and made me believe.

Before I know it, I’m flashing a radiant smile, dressed, and eagerly awaiting him at the altar.

Only, I got the text – “I’m not coming” – shattering my world.

Regret is a waste of time; I stand by my original convictions.

Years later, he’s back demanding a second chance, how dare he?


I shook on the agreement without hesitation because I had zero plans to marry for love. Ever.

Years later, Anne crashed into my life. I find myself craving what I thought I didn’t need or want.

Unexpectedly, the agreement I made resurfaced, presenting me with a dilemma:

Marry as agreed or Lose Anne forever.

Deal accepted, regardless of hurting Anne.

When I find Anne again, she’s engaged, far as I’m concerned, she’s still mine.

I’ll cheat, steal, and fight before I let Anne marry another.

All is fair in love and war. And this is war…hope he’s ready to fight?

The Handshake agreement is a contemporary, age gap, second chance romance with a Possessive MMC.

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Copyright 2024 A. Akinosho

How do you keep moving when one minute you are engaged with the most beautiful ring on your finger, you are dressed in white waiting to get married to the love of your life and the next minute, he sends a fucking text to tell you he’s not coming, just when you think it’s all a joke.

He doesn’t answer your phone call or text. He has moved out of his apartment to a new place that you don’t know where and to make matter more fucked up. He’s got married to another woman within two weeks of him dumping you with a text.

A woman that I had no inclination existed but fits better than I do into his lifestyle and class.

Yinka is staring at me like she wants to bitch slap every feeling I have for him out me. The reality is I won’t retaliate if she tried and I think she has realized that is the only reason she hasn’t tried slapping me, yet.

“Eat now or god help me, I will shove this food into you, and it won’t be through your mouth.” I chuckle. I know she will do something crazy; I take a bite of the well grilled steak.

“Good, once you are fed, we need to get you laid and I don’t mean just laid. I mean the kind that would fill up your meter so much that you can’t walk the next day and best part you will forget how to spell his name.”

“I don’t think getting me so fucked that I can’t spell is a good thing.” She smacks her lip and blows me a kiss with a grin like the fact I answered back is a mountain of progress.

“You will thank me later.”

“No, I won’t and how does getting fucked heals my heart” she looks at me like I’ve completely lost my mind with that question.

“When you get blessed with a good dick, your vjayjay starts to sing and guess what? your heart starts to dance as well, that’s how the healing begins, oh ye of little faith is how the wheels of dick plus vjayjay equate happy heart keeps getting greased.” She grins at me with her crazy analogy.

“I doubt that’s how it works.”

“Of course, that’s how it works, you don’t know, until you’ve received the baptism of a good dick” I laugh. The first since God know how long “But first, we need to pawn that very expensive ring, then we go and shop on every dollar we get for it. Maybe a weekend vacay?” She flashes her perfect white teeth.

“No, I want to return it to him” she gives me an incredulous look. Then looks around our surroundings to make sure no one heard the blasphemous word I just uttered.

“You can’t possibly be serious; we need to fucking sell that shit.” Her sly eyes right now would make a perfect meme of ‘are you for real.’

“I want to return it in person, I want to look him in the eye when I give it back. He has avoided my calls and texts. He moved out of his apartment…” I stop, fighting the emotions that has turned me into waterworks.

“Yeah, because he got married boo.”

“I’ll return it. I’m not keeping it and no” I firmly stare her down “I’m not selling it.”

“Fine, since you insist, we should do it today because if that thing goes back to our apartment. I guarantee you’ll never find it again” I laugh, and I believe her, she’s crazy enough to steal it or pawn it, then take me shopping on every dime.

“Today it is, then I move on with my life. Guess, letting go of the ring is the first step.”

“Please, tell me, step two is me hearing your screams or the earthquake shaking of your bed” I present an amused face to her.

“No, step two, is me deleting his number and emails so I can stop calling him like an idiot or an insane person that keeps calling and expecting answer when it’s clear I’m never getting an answer.” I take a bite of the steak.

“Okay, I can accept your step two but please three should be a dick baptism” I laugh.

“No step three, we party like it’s 1999.” Her eyes lit up, with a wide smile plastered on her face.

“Yep, I’m down with that, then we get you laid.”

“Please leave my vjayjay alone.” I smirk.

Read Now!

About A. Akinosho

A. Akinosho lives in her own little nest in Illinois. An avid reader and enjoy reading thrillers, suspense and romance novels (partial to romance genre). When she’s not reading or keeping up with life, she enjoys writing and creating twists to stories. She loves writing about diverse characters, friendship and overcoming challenges through what is perceived as a weakness.

Follow: Website | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | BookBub | Amazon

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Release Blitz for The Handshake Agreement by A. Akinosho

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Declan promised Anne the world, then abandoned her at the altar because of an old deal. When he finds her years later, she’s engaged to another man, but Declan still considers Anne his. He’ll cheat, steal, and fight before letting her marry another man. Readers who enjoy instalove romance reads with possessive, alpha males will devour The Handshake Agreement by A. Akinosho, a steamy, age gap, second chance, fake marriage romance.


He promised her the world,

Then, abandoned her at the altar.


I’m a realist, cynical about falling in love. Until I met Declan – the rich and powerful player. With his quiet determination, he dismantled my cynicism and made me believe.

Before I know it, I’m flashing a radiant smile, dressed, and eagerly awaiting him at the altar.

Only, I got the text – “I’m not coming” – shattering my world.

Regret is a waste of time; I stand by my original convictions.

Years later, he’s back demanding a second chance, how dare he?


I shook on the agreement without hesitation because I had zero plans to marry for love. Ever.

Years later, Anne crashed into my life. I find myself craving what I thought I didn’t need or want.

Unexpectedly, the agreement I made resurfaced, presenting me with a dilemma:

Marry as agreed or Lose Anne forever.

Deal accepted, regardless of hurting Anne.

When I find Anne again, she’s engaged, far as I’m concerned, she’s still mine.

I’ll cheat, steal, and fight before I let Anne marry another.

All is fair in love and war. And this is war…hope he’s ready to fight?

The Handshake agreement is a contemporary, age gap, second chance romance with a Possessive MMC.

Add to Goodreads Here!


Copyright 2024 A. Akinosho

“Why are you here?” I ask in the sharpest controlled possible tone; I could proclaim instead of answering he moves closer to me. Instinctively, I move out of his reach in my narrow hallway. We mustn’t touch and we both know that, or at least, I know that.

“I came for you,” he states like it should be obvious as he takes his coat off and throws it onto my coat hanger. Just as I scoff. He must be losing his mind.

“Put your coat back on. You are not welcome here, and you won’t be here long enough to sit,” I say to him as I raised my left hand to my forehead, sighing. My ring catches the light, his eyes darken as he zeroes in on my ring, his jaw stiffens to that predatorial look. I know that look. The last time he had a look like that, the guy that smacked my ass almost had his head cut off. He moved closer and my feet quickened behind my loveseat couch.

“You ran away for almost four years, and you ask me why I’m here?” His voice deepens, giving me a perplexed, furrowed brow like I should know my question sounds stupid. Only it isn’t. He’s the one saying stupid stuff. He moves towards me, and I move back as well.

“I didn’t run away. You rejected and dumped at the altar me.” I raised my voice at him, he didn’t flinch “Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I took the opportunity that was offered to me and went on with my life, like you did. Why do you care where in the world I am?” I state as we continue our non-musical chair dance around the couch. In this moment, I’m glad I arranged my furniture for ease of traffic. I know what happens once he touches me. I wouldn’t be able to resist him, so my best defense is to avoid the slightest contact and keep moving till he leaves.

Buy Now on Amazon!

About A. Akinosho

A. Akinosho lives in her own little nest in Illinois. An avid reader and enjoy reading thrillers, suspense and romance novels (partial to romance genre). When she’s not reading or keeping up with life, she enjoys writing and creating twists to stories. She loves writing about diverse characters, friendship and overcoming challenges through what is perceived as a weakness.

Follow: Website | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | BookBub | Amazon

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Release Blitz with Review: Shattered Vows by P. Rayne

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Shattered Vows by P. Rayne is now live!

Once upon a time, I thought I’d found my happy ever after. Until she ruined it all.

I’d been on the hunt for four long years, and I finally found her.

I planned the perfect revenge. Kidnapping Rapsody on the day she was set to marry another man and forcing her to face my wrath while trapped in the confines of my family’s gothic manor.

Despite my desire to punish her, there is still an undeniable pull between us. But as the walls of the manor close in around us, we both have to confront the truth. Can we trust each other, or will my dark past consume us both?

SHATTERED VOWS is a dark contemporary romance that weaves together the themes of desire and redemption and is a Rapunzel reimagining with the following tropes: age gap, anti-hero, gothic romance, secret society, forced proximity, opposites attract, enemies to lovers, morality chain, billionaire, and second chance.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Duet Narration by: Tor Thom & Muffy Newtown

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After reading Moonlit Thorns, I knew without a doubt, that I had to get my hands on the next installment, ASAP. And believe me when I tell you, this series keeps getting better and better!

Shattered Vows is the second installment of the Midnight Manor series and follows the story of Kol and Rapsody. Once upon a time, Kol and Rapsody fell hard and fell fast. But, Rapsody isn’t like the other girls. She’s lived an incredibly sheltered life and when their love is put to the test, Rapsody disappears and ruins everything. Now, years later, Kol is on a mission for revenge and kidnapping Rapsody seems like the perfect plan…

Shattered Vows sucked in from the very first page. Rapsody is the perfect representation of Rapunzel. She’s innocent and sheltered. She only knows the life her mother has given her and has never questioned it until Kol. Kol is his own brand of darkness. He’s intense and not afraid to go after the things he wants. Together, these two shouldn’t work but their connection is all-consuming and I loved seeing Kol and Rapsody navigate through all the hurdles P. Rayne threw at them.

P. Rayne has completely knocked it out of the park with Shattered Vows. The characters are the perfect mix of dark and light. They are complex and intriguing. You’ll find yourself utterly consumed, desperate for answers, and ultimately, will lose track of time because you can’t stop reading.

If you’re a fan of fairytale re-tellings, you won’t want to miss Shattered Vows. This modern-day, Rapunzel re-telling is filled with action, suspense, angst, and danger. It more than delivers with its secrets, revelations, sexy good times, and of course romance.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Meet P. Rayne

The darker side of USA Today Bestselling Author, Piper Rayne.

Connect with P. Rayne







DISCREET COVER REVEAL: Beg For Me by J.T. Geissinger

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J.T. Geissinger has revealed the gorgeous discreet cover for Beg For Me!

Releasing: September 26, 2024

Cover designer: Lori Jackson Designs


He’s too cocky. Too much of a playboy. Too handsome, too charming…

And way too young.

Carter McCord is exactly the kind of trouble I don’t need. We hold the same top executive spot at rival corporations, but the similarities end there. He’s glided through life on good looks and his daddy’s money, I’ve fought tooth and nail for every dime I’ve earned.  

I dislike him intensely.

The problem is that I want him in the same way. 


She’s smart, sophisticated, and sexy as hell. I don’t care that we’re supposed to be enemies, that she acts like I’m invisible, or that my whole family would cut me off if we were together…

I’m gonna make her mine.

Even if she makes me beg for it. 

Author’s note: Beg For Me is a standalone enemies-to-lovers, reverse age-gap romance with an obsessive morally gray hero and spicy bedroom scenes intended for mature readers only. 

Pre-order your copy of the ebook today!

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Meet J.T. Geissinger

J.T. Geissinger is a #1 international and Amazon Charts bestselling author of thirty novels. Ranging from funny, feisty romcoms to intense erotic thrillers, her books have sold over ten million copies worldwide and been translated into more than twenty languages.

She is a three-time finalist in both contemporary and paranormal romance for the RITA® Award, the highest distinction in romance fiction from the Romance Writers of America®. She is also a recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and the HOLT Medallion for Best Erotic Romance.

Connect with J.T. Geissinger 





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