Tag Archives: Debut Novel

Review: This Vicious Grace by Emily Thiede

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Review: This Vicious Grace by Emily Thiede

Three weddings. Three funerals. Alessa’s gift from the gods is supposed to magnify a partner’s magic, not kill every suitor she touches.

Now, with only weeks left until a hungry swarm of demons devours everything on her island home, Alessa is running out of time to find a partner and stop the invasion. When a powerful priest convinces the faithful that killing Alessa is the island’s only hope, her own soldiers try to assassinate her.

Desperate to survive, Alessa hires Dante, a cynical outcast marked as a killer, to become her personal bodyguard. But as rebellion explodes outside the gates, Dante’s dark secrets may be the biggest betrayal. He holds the key to her survival and her heart, but is he the one person who can help her master her gift or destroy her once and for all?

Emily Thiede’s exciting fantasy debut, This Vicious Grace, will keep readers turning the pages until the devastating conclusion and leave them primed for more!

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Three weddings and three funerals-Alessa’s gift is supposed to save the world but ends up killing every suitor she touches. With only weeks left to save her island home, time is running out for Alessa to not only find a suitor but stop the invasion. Alessa’s task is anything but easy, and when a powerful priest casts doubt among the faithful, Alessa quickly discovers that not everyone is on her side. Desperate to survive, Alessa seeks help from Dante, an outcast who has been marked as a killer. Will Dante be able to help Alessa or will his secrets destroy everything? There’s only one way to find out….

What an exciting ride! This Vicious Grace is a little slow to start, but don’t let that discourage you. This book has fantastic world-building and a plot that will leave you on your toes.

Alessa is strong, yet determined to live up to the expectations the gods have set before her. Her mission: find an acceptable suitor, harness his power, and save their island community. Sounds easy enough, except everyone she touches ends up dead. After an attempt on her life, Alessa doesn’t know who she can trust, and that’s how she finds herself with the mysterious Dante. Dante could care less about Alessa’s agenda, but for reasons he can’t quite understand, he takes Alessa up on her offer. Together, these two make quite the unexpected pairing. Their chemistry leaped off the pages and had me dying to know what would happen next.

This Vicious Grace is a heart-pounding and refreshing fantasy novel that will keep you glued to the pages. This story is filled with magic, mystery, and intrigue. At times, I wondered how this could possibly be a debut novel, as the words just flew off the pages and consumed me. I fell in love with the characters and am absolutely dying to find out what happens next. This story took me by surprise in the best way and I look forward to checking out more from this author in the future.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book via the publisher & NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*

Review: You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn

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Annie Mathers is America’s sweetheart and heir to a country music legacy full of all the things her Gran warned her about. Superstar Clay Coolidge is most definitely going to end up one of those things.

But unfortunately for Clay, if he can’t convince Annie to join his summer tour, his music label is going to drop him. That’s what happens when your bad boy image turns into bad boy reality. Annie has been avoiding the spotlight after her parents’ tragic death, except on her skyrocketing YouTube channel. Clay’s label wants to land Annie, and Clay has to make it happen.

Swayed by Clay’s undeniable charm and good looks, Annie and her band agree to join the tour. From the start fans want them to be more than just tour mates, and Annie and Clay can’t help but wonder if the fans are right. But if there’s one part of fame Annie wants nothing to do with, it’s a high-profile relationship. She had a front row seat to her parents’ volatile marriage and isn’t interested in repeating history. If only she could convince her heart that Clay, with his painful past and head over heels inducing tenor, isn’t worth the risk.

Erin Hahn’s thrilling debut, You’d Be Mine, asks: can the right song and the perfect summer on the road make two broken hearts whole?

Purchase on Amazon

My Review

4.5 Unexpected Stars!!

“She sounds timeless. No showy vibrato, no American idol-worthy runs. Her voice is pure. Unadulterated. It’s the sound of sweet salvation.”

“I’ve kissed lots of girls. I’ve slept with a few of them. But I’ve never in my life kissed someone like this. Felt like this. Wanted like this. It’s as though we’re one person. Like my soul found its fucking other half and I don’t even know what to with that except I can’t ever stop this. I will die happily with her on my lips.”

“He’s more than just kissing in the dark and filled-out denim. He’s just as damaged as I am. He’s got heartache and grief and loneliness, and if I can’t survive him, he sure as hell can’t survive me.”

You’d Be Mine was such an unexpected surprise. I feel in love with this book from the very first page and quickly found myself addicted to Annie and Clay. Their story hit all the marks for me and left me hanging on every single word. Annie & Clay’s story might be young adult, but it still had a very real and raw quality to it. It’s a story that any age group can enjoy and relate to.

When we first meet up with Clay & Annie, I just knew their story was going to keep me on my toes. Clay is know as the bad boy of country music, but he needs to clean up his act and reputation. His record label is ready to leave him in the dust unless he can convince Annie to come along tour with him. Annie is a YouTube sensation and has been avoiding the spotlight since her parents passed away. Annie has her reservations and knows all the cons that come along with fame, but when it comes to Clay, she just can’t seem to tell him no. She decided to jump and see where this tour will take her…The one thing these two never planned on was the connection they would share. From the very beginning their fans were dying for the two of them to fall in love. But, a high profile relationship is the last thing Annie wants. She’s afraid of the wild ride associated with fame and the demons that haunt both herself & Clay. Will Annie take a chance not only on music, but on Clay? Will Clay prove that he is a risk worth taking? There’s only one way to find out….

You’d Be Mine is a fantastic debut novel by author Erin Hahn. The characters are fun and entertaining. They keep your eyes glued to the pages and just beg for their story to be told. I loved how real Clay & Annie were. They were both damaged and a little lost. There a lot of comparisons to June & Johnny Cash. Their relationship was amazing in the beginning. Their passion and chemistry, off the charts. But, in the end, the demons took over turning their once happily ever after to a wild and volatile situation. And I could totally see that comparison with Annie and Clay and it is told in a beautiful young adult way. I loved watching Clay and Annie together and seeing them navigate their way through the magic of music and fame; through all the ups and downs life threw at them. Even with all the demons these two had to fight against, I couldn’t stop myself from rooting for their happily ever after.

I enjoyed every moment of You’d Be Mine. From the great characters, to the entertaining plot, to the rock star romance and emotion throughout, this story is a must read for fans of music and young adult romance. You’d Be Mine is incredibly well written and has a wonderful flow to it. It blows my mind that this is Erin Hahn’s debut novel. She is definitely an author to keep an eye out for and I am super excited to read more from her in the future.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book via the publisher & NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*

Cover Reveal: Further To Fall by Catherine Cowles

Title: Further to Fall
Author: Catherine Cowles
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Hang Le
Release Date: October 24, 2018
An up-and-coming MMA fighter trying to take on the world. An innocent teacher trying to make the world a better place.

He never expected her to become his best friend. But she fought her way into his life, one tongue-lashing at a time. Until one night, one mistake tore them apart.

Losing her… that gutted him. But now, as one of the top fighters in the world, he’s back and determined to battle for his girl.

But, from the sidelines, someone watches. Someone who’ll do just about anything to keep them apart.

Their second chance might be over before it even begins…

Pre-order Links
$2.99 for a limited time
Author Bio
Writer of words. Drinker of Diet Cokes. Lover of all things cute and furry, especially her dog. Catherine has had her nose in a book since the time she could read and finally decided to write down some of her own stories. When she’s not writing she can be found exploring her home state of Oregon, listening to true crime podcasts, or searching for her next book boyfriend.
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Review: The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

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A heartwarming and refreshing debut novel that proves one thing: there’s not enough data in the world to predict what will make your heart tick.

Stella Lane thinks math is the only thing that unites the universe. She comes up with algorithms to predict customer purchases–a job that has given her more money than she knows what to do with, and way less experience in the dating department than the average thirty-year-old.

It doesn’t help that Stella has Asperger’s and French kissing reminds her of a shark getting its teeth cleaned by pilot fish. Her conclusion: she needs lots of practice–with a professional. Which is why she hires escort Michael Phan. The Vietnamese and Swedish stunner can’t afford to turn down Stella’s offer, and agrees to help her check off all the boxes on her lesson plan–from foreplay to more-than-missionary position…

Before long, Stella not only learns to appreciate his kisses, but to crave all the other things he’s making her feel. Soon, their no-nonsense partnership starts making a strange kind of sense. And the pattern that emerges will convince Stella that love is the best kind of logic…

Purchase Links:

 AmazonKindleBarnes & NobleNookBooks a MillionIndieboundiBooksKoboGoogle Play

My Review

If you’re looking for a fresh and unique story, then this is the one for you. The Kiss Quotient is diverse, unique, and completely captivating. The characters are adorable and you can’t help but fall for them. I mean, these two could not be more opposite and they really should not work, but somehow they do. Somehow they are able to get past their differences and ideals of who they should be. They discover a love that they never knew existed or that could be possible. These two characters pulled me into their story and had me rooting for their happily ever after.

There is a ton of buzz surrounding The Kiss Quotient and I am definitely glad that I checked it out. The Kiss Quotient is a fantastic debut novel.  It is very well written, with a unique and fresh plot. It is a story that you can easily finish in one sitting and one that you won’t be able to put down. I know I couldn’t stop myself from devouring each word. The Kiss Quotient hit all the marks for me, delivering a sweet and swoon-worthy romance with loads of steam that will keep you begging for more. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

 *I was provided an ARC copy of this book via the publisher & NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*


“You’ve watched Pretty Woman too many times. Kissing doesn’t mean anything, and it’s always best if you’re not thinking too much in bed. Trust me,” he said.

Her mouth thinned into a stubborn line. “This is too important for me not to think. I’d rather not kiss anymore if you don’t mind.”

Michael’s irritation redoubled, and he forced his hands to relax before he popped all his blood vessels. How the hell had he gotten himself into this? Ah yes, he’d been worried about his escort colleagues taking advantage of her. Stupid of him. His life was complicated enough without worrying about his clients. This was exactly why he had the one-session policy.

He would have backed out—it was tempting—but he’d promised. He always carried through on his promises. It was his way of balancing out the universe. His dad had broken enough promises for the both of them.

“All right,” he made himself say. “No kissing.”

“Do the other plans look okay?” she asked.

He forced himself to read them and found them pretty similar, only she’d moved from hand jobs to blowjobs and changed the sexual positions.

Amused despite himself, he said, “I’m surprised you used the terms ‘doggy style’ and ‘cow girl.’”

Her cheeks went bright red, and she adjusted her glasses. “I’m inexperienced, not clueless.”

“Your plans are missing something important.” He held his hand out, and she placed the pen in his palm with wary motions.

She tilted her head to the side as she watched him write FOREPLAY at the top of all the plans in capital letters. As an afterthought, he drew a box in front of each iteration with hard stabs of the pen.

“But why? I was under the impression men don’t need it.”

“You do,” he said flatly.

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “You don’t have to bother with me.”

He narrowed his eyes. “It’s not a bother. Most men like foreplay. I do. Getting a woman hot is satisfying as hell.” Besides, he was not having sex with her if she wasn’t ready. No fucking way.

Swallowing, she stared down at the menu. “So you’re saying I don’t have a chance to improve.”

“What? No.” His mind scrambled to figure out why she might say that and came up with nothing.

“You saw how I reacted. It was one button.”

“And then you slept with me all night. You were basically naked, and you cling.”

“Are you two ready to order?” the waitress interjected. Judging by the amused glimmer in her eyes, she’d caught the last part of their conversation.

Stella perused the dinner options, her nails picking at the fabric edging of the menu.

“We’ll have the special,” Michael said.

“Wise choice. I’ll leave you to it.” The waitress winked, gathered the menus, and disappeared.

“What’s the special?” Stella asked.

“I have no idea. Let’s hope it’s not woolly.”

A troubled frown bracketed her mouth, and she leaned forward hesitantly, meeting his eyes for the briefest second. “What exactly do you mean by ‘cling?’”

Michael grinned. “It means you like to cuddle when you’re asleep.”


She looked so horrified Michael couldn’t help laughing. “I confess to liking it.” Which was the truth, and unlike him. Cuddling was an obligatory thing he did for his clients because he understood they needed it. He usually spent the time counting the seconds until he could leave and go home to shower. Holding Stella had been nothing like that. They hadn’t had sex, so there’d been nothing to wash away, and the trusting way she’d curled into him had made him feel things he didn’t want to think about.

Check out the book trailer here

About The Author

Helen Hoang is that shy person who never talks. Until she does. And the worst things fly out of her mouth. She read her first romance novel in eighth grade and has been addicted ever since. In 2016, she was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in line with what was previously known as Asperger’s Syndrome. Her journey inspired THE KISS QUOTIENT. She currently lives in San Diego, California with her husband, two kids, and pet fish.

Review: The Enchantment of Emma Fletcher by L.D. Crichton

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Pocket Star EBooks

Publication Date: March 13, 2017


A young woman desperate to outrun her nightmare reluctantly falls straight into the arms of the one boy who might be able to wake her up in this sweet and sexy debut about finding love while confronting your demons.

After Emma Fletcher is viciously attacked and left for dead, she flees to her old childhood hometown where she’s confronted with bitter memories of her damaged past and alcoholic mother. Emma is determined to make her stay temporary and get out with minimal emotional damage. What she doesn’t count on is Tristan Banks: auto mechanic, coffee addict, and town hottie with dark secrets of his own.

Tristan’s track record of saving girls has historically led to failure. The last thing he needs is trouble in the form of a leggy brunette with an attitude, but when he starts to fall for Emma, Tristan realizes the only way he can save her is to help her save herself.

My Review

The Enchantment of Emma Fletcher was a quick, but well written story. It follows the story of Emma and Tristan. From the moment we meet Emma, there is something a bit mysterious about her. Growing up, she couldn’t leave town fast enough. Now, she finds herself back home, after she was attacked. Her life forever changed in more than one way. She not only has to confront and face her future, but her past as well. The last thing she ever planned on was Tristan. Tristan has a past and secrets of his own, but there is just something about Emma that draws him in. He just knows one thing for certain, he wants Emma and will do whatever it takes to save her…

Overall, I thought this was a pretty good read. The story-line pulled me instantly. I was really intrigued by the characters and their pasts. They are the kind of characters that you want to know more about and can’t help but root for.

The Enchantment of Emma Fletcher is the debut novel for author L.D. Crichton, and I look forward to checking out more from this author in the future.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*

About the author:

L.D. Crichton is the author of the only official fan fictions for both One Direction and Emblem3, commissioned by Sony Music Entertainment and Faculty Management Group. Crichton has over 7.5 million combined reads on Wattpad and her work has been featured in Publisher’s Weekly, the Daily Dot, Marketing magazine, Just Jared, VentureBeat, and Contently. She lives in Alberta, Canada. Please visit ldcrichton.com, and L.D. Crichton on Facebook and Twitter.

Review: Red (Love in Color #1) by S.M. West


Red. The color of extremes.

Tate Conrad’s existence is annihilated. Destroyed by two men: one, her hero and the other, her worst nightmare. She has nothing to lose.

Determined to survive, vengeance feeds her. There are no limits, no boundaries, not even death, in seeking liberation.


Rylan Wolfe is driven.

A stellar FBI agent close to breaking the case of a lifetime. It’s more than career-making, it’s personal. Tate’s the linchpin to it all.

They need each other to succeed.

For Tate, is he her salvation or ruin?

Warning: This book contains graphic language, explicit sexual scenes and violence.
Recommended for readers 18+

My Review

“It’s the small, fleeting moments that rock you to the core. The moments that only register when it’s too late. With time and retrospect, they weigh heavy on your heart, robbing you blind and leaving you cheated, with only the what ifs or if onlys. Till the day I die, I’ll never forget the look in his eyes. All the emotion, concern, strength, determination, and most of all, love, brimming in his baby blues, searing my soul.”

“I’m ripped open, stripped bare, vulnerable whenever he’s near. He’s complete havoc on my mind and body.”

Red is the debut novel by S.M. West and boy does this book hit the ground running. From the moment you pick up this book, you are entranced. The first chapter is raw, intense and hearbreaking. My heart ached for everything that Tate had to experience. Her story kept me on the edge of my seat and riddled with anxiety. I didn’t know what was going to happen next or how Tate’s story would play out.

Red is an intriguing and smart read. It is filled with action, danger, suspense and sexy good times. I think this series is off to a great start and that this author has a ton of potential. I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*

Blog Tour: Into The Nothing by B.T. Urruela

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Title: Into the Nothing
Series: Broken Outlaw #1
Author: BT Urruela
Release Date: June 21, 2016
Xander Evans has been on the road for many years. Never settling. Always moving from one place to another, unable to let go of his past. He lived a tragic childhood, spending most of those years in foster care. He’s never felt like he’s had a home. That is until he stops in the small town of Truman Valley, Missouri, where he meets a woman who will change everything he’s ever known.
Paige Watson has it all. A loving family, beautiful home, and a great career. The only thing she’s missing….is love. After escaping an abusive relationship, she opens her heart up to a stranger. He is unlike any man she’s ever met. He came into her life and turned it completely upside down. Everything is perfect. That is, until one fateful night. 
A night that would tear the Watson family apart, never to be put back together again. 
A night that would send Xander away to prison for life.
“How about twenty questions?” I ask.
“I hate twenty questions.”
“How about five questions, then?”
He cracks a smile and lifts an eyebrow. “How about three?”
“So, have I mentioned how much I fucking hate Tuesdays?” Brandi’s voice cuts right between us. Xander looks relieved.
Me? Not so much. “Damn it, Brandi!”
“Oh nothing. Can you grab me Fireball though? Pretty please. Two of them.” I look at Xander. “You’re taking one.”
“Three. I am too, bitch! Fuck Tuesdays!” Brandi calls out from across the bar as she begins filling the shot glasses from the Fireball chiller.
“Question one. You said you’ve been traveling for a while now, right? Do you ever get tired of it? Ever feel like settling?”
“Damn. Starting out with the heavy hitters, huh?” He eyes the shot glasses as if hoping it will somehow make them fill faster.
“Need me to go easier on you? Maybe a finger or two first before I go in with the whole fist?”
He looks at me in disbelief. “Did you really just say that?”
“Just answer the question, two fingers or three?”
BT Urruela was an infantryman in the US Army from August 2004 until February 2011. At the end of a year long tour to Baghdad, Iraq, his vehicle was hit by two roadside bombs, which took his right leg below the knee and the life of his commander. He was awarded a Purple Heart for his wounds, an Army Commendation Medal, and Combat Infantryman’s Badge. He medically retired from the Army in 2011 and moved to Tampa, FL where he currently works as a Director and Brand Ambassador for VETSports, a veteran community sports nonprofit he co-founded in 2012. He also conducts motivational speeches, works as a cover and fitness model and he’s a personal performance trainer. He co-wrote the military romance novel A Lover’s Lament and will be releasing his debut solo novel, Into the Nothing, on June 21st, 2016.

Review: Heart’s Revenge (Heart’s Revenge #1) by Cole Jaimes





Get high.

Sounds like the perfect day to Aidan Callahan. As second-born son to Chicago’s most influential business owner, Aidan’s life has always been about responsibility. Tradition. Toeing the goddamn line. Just do as you’re told, Aidan. Don’t make waves.

Well, screw that. Riding waves is way more fun than making them.

Hawaii is paradise on earth. Smoking hot women. Tiny bikinis. As far as Aidan’s concerned, wild horses couldn’t drag him kicking and screaming back to the windy city. Or at least that’s what he thought.

When his brother crashes his Mercedes, killing himself on impact, Aidan finds himself next in line to the Callahan fortune and all the ties that come with it.

And this time there’s no getting out of it.


A warm bed.

A steady job.

A brother who loves her.

For Essie Gray, life’s been one hard kick in the teeth after another. With her parents both dead, her brother is her only living relative. That is until Vaughn’s truck is written off, his life snatched away by the careless actions of a rich playboy in a flashy sports car.

Now, the only thing that will bring Essie peace is revenge. She must take what was taken from her. Only when the name Callahan has been wiped from the face of the earth forever will she be able to start living again.

Of course, the new head of the Callahan Corporation isn’t what she expected. Aidan’s sexy and sad, and just as damaged as she is. Will she be able to distance herself enough to accomplish her goal?

After all, ruining a man’s really hard when you find yourself falling for him…

My Review

“Hate is a curious thing. It feeds you, threatens to completely overwhelm you, yet at the same time, it leaves you feeling hollow. Hungry. It encases you, enshrouds you, but you never feel warm, never feel protected. It’s an empty thing, yet it can completely consume you, demanding you never forgive, never forget.”

Heart’s Revenge is the debut novel for Cole Jaimes and is a fantastic read. Now, I don’t normally read a lot of books by male authors; especially romance books, but I gotta tell you, he knocked it out of the park with this one.

Heart’s Revenge is well written and captivating.Told from dual points of view, Heart’s Revenge will pull you in from the very first page and has you dying to know more. Now, this book might be short, but I have to tell you, it really packs a punch. It has drama and heartbreak. It has revenge and some seriously steamy moments. This story will take your emotions for one heck of ride and will have you questioning the characters motives. And when you get the end, you’ll be dying to get your hands on the next part of the story….I know I was!

Heart’s Revenge is a wonderful debut novel. It really took me by surprise and has me super excited to read more. Cole Jaimes is definitely an author to keep an eye out for.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*


Review: Loud Is How I Love You (Hub City #1) by Mercy Brown


One girl’s heart gets rocked to the core in the first novel in this sexy New Adult series.

Twenty-one-year-old front girl Emmylou knows that getting her band noticed in the ‘90s indie rock scene will be no easy task. She definitely knows better than to break the number one rule of the band: Don’t sleep with your bandmates! But after she ends up having the best sex of her life with her guitarist, Travis, she finds following that rule is a lot harder than it sounds.

When the band gets the gig of their dreams, making it big seems just within reach. But Emmy’s inability to keep her hands off Travis threatens everything they’ve worked for. Can Emmy find a way to break the rules and not blow the chance of a lifetime?

My Review

Loud is how I love you

Loud is how I know you’re there

Stay loud so I don’t lose you

I will follow the sound of you anywhere

Loud Is How I Love You is the debut novel by author Mercy Brown, and I gotta tell you, she knocked it out of the park with this one. From the moment you pick up this book, you are pulled into the story of Emmy and Travis. Emmy has one goal and that is to have her band make it big. So, in order to accomplish that, she has one simple rule: Don’t sleep with the band. Too bad, following that rule isn’t so easy. You see, there’s always been a connection between Emmy and Travis, but they’ve never acted on it….until one night. You see this one night, they played an epic show and well, one thing led to another and suddenly Emmy and Travis find themselves having the best sex of their life. Emmy tries desperately to not make a big deal out of it, even though she knows Travis wants more. She tries to stay away, but she just can’t. Will Emmy and Travis make a go at something that has the potential to be amazing or will Emmy risk it all for the sake of the band and making it big?? There’s only one way to find out…

I have to say, I really enjoyed Loud Is How I Love You. I loved the story-line. I found it be a very refreshing take on a rock-n-roll romance. I thought the writing was smart and engaging. I liked the characters right away and found them easy to connect with. I loved the chemistry between Emmy and Travis. I thought they had great push and pull. Yes, I did want to either shake or slap Emmy a few times. She made some terrible decisions over her fear of ruining the band. But, she’s young, and I thought that it was a very honest take on her feelings and it made the journey to HEA, all that more better–in my opinion.

Loud Is How I Love is a fantastic debut novel. It gave me everything that I was looking for and more. The story is well paced and is full of angst, drama, and lots of sweet romance. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and can not wait to read more from this author in the future.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, via NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review*

Review: Finding Focus by Jiffy Kate

Title: Finding Focus
Author: Jiffy Kate
Release Date: Nov 30, 2015
Find on Goodreads
Sheridan “Dani” Reed is a recently unemployed photojournalist living in New York City. Her boyfriend is vacationing without her, and her best friend has abandoned her for a job in the south.
Is a quarter-life crisis a thing?
After accepting a freelance job in Louisiana for Southern Style magazine, she feels the bleakness of her life back in New York fading in the rearview mirror. Getting back to her southern roots seems to be just what she needs to lift her spirits and spark her creativity. During her stay, she meets playboy Micah Landry and his colorful family. She knows she should avoid him and keep things professional, but his southern charms are hard to resist.
Through the lens of her camera, she finds the beauty and soul of the Landry Plantation, but it’s her beauty and soul that capture Micah’s attention.
When an unexpected phone call takes her back to New York, she’s forced to face the life she was trying to escape head on.
Will her trip and the Landrys only become fond memories, or will Dani find her way back to them and her beloved south?
In their debut novel, Jiffy Kate bring you a story of love, adventure, and finding a place to call home.
On sale for $0.99 for a limited time!

My Review

“Someone once said life is a like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot.”

I am so in love with this debut novel by Jiffy Kate. This is one of those debut novels that has you asking, “How can this possibly be their debut novel?” From the moment I picked up this book, I was hooked. What I didn’t know or expect was that I was going to fall in love with this story so quickly.

When we first meet up with Dani, she is sort of at a crossroads in her life. She’s out of work and things are not going well with her boyfriend. When her boyfriend leaves on a “him” only vacation, Dani really starts questioning the things in her life and what she really wants. So, when Dani’s best friend presents her with an awesome freelance opportunity, she can’t turn it down! And returning back to the south might just be what Dani needs. The more time Dani spends in the south, the more she is reminded of happier times and a simpler life. She’s feeling good about her work and has gotten her mojo back. Unfortunately, her time away is cut short when she has to return home to take care of her boyfriend, who has gotten himself injured. However, returning home has really opened Dani’s eyes. Not only is she missing the south and the people she met in Louisiana, but she’s also realizing just how different things really are. Things have got to change. Will Dani be brave enough to make the changes she so desperately needs to? You’ll just have to read and see for yourself 🙂

There is so much that I want to say about this book, but I don’t even know where to start. Finding Focus is such an exciting debut novel. It is told from dual points of view and is completely captivating. This book just oozes Southern Charm. Finding Focus is smart and well written. It made me laugh, smile, swoon and fall in love. It is impossible to not fall in love with the south and the people that are in it. I fell in love with The Landry family instantly. They are just good people and they make you feel as though you belong. I couldn’t get enough of them. I loved the relationship between Micha and Dani. I loved the slow build and how they took the time be friends, get to know one another; before they took things further. And Micha may have had a bit of exciting past when it came to the ladies, but he is anything but a player. He is a true southern gentleman that had me swooning all over the place.

Yes, Finding Focus is a fabulous debut novel and it has totally blown me away. I honestly loved every second of it; from the amazing characters, to the intriguing plot and the southern setting. I just loved it all. This is one of those books that just makes you feel good and leaves you with a big smile on your face. As I’m sitting here typing up my review, my cheeks are still hurting from smiling so much! If you are looking for a sweet southern romance that is light on the drama and will have you swooning all over the place, I highly recommend checking this book out. I for one am super excited to read more from Jiffy Kate. They are definitely someone to keep an eye out for!

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*

Micah and I climb into his truck and he starts it up, but we just sit in the parking lot for a few moments in comfortable silence. 
“You’re not what I was expecting, Chuck.” 
I narrow my eyes at him. “Oh yeah? What were you expecting?” 
He shrugs before giving me a shy smile. “I don’t know . . . someone snooty and prissy, I guess. But that’s not you. At least, not that I can see.” 
“You think you’ve got me all figured out?” 
Barking out a laugh, he replies, “No, not at all. Just makin’ an observation.” 
His eyes are a little too focused on me and the air inside his truck is a little too thin. I clear my throat and face forward, causing Micah to take the hint to put the truck in drive. 
Once my heart has slowed to a normal rate, I decide to try to have a normal conversation while learning more about Micah at the same time. “So, what was it like growing up on a plantation?” 
“It’s just a house, Dani.” 
“A very large house,” I counter. 
“True, and it’s special to me because it’s been in my family for so long, but I wasn’t raised with a silver spoon in my mouth, if that’s what you’re wonderin’. The Landrys are no better than anyone else. Believe me, my mama would’ve tanned our hides if we ever tried to act like we were—” 
“Snooty or prissy?”
First things first, we’re the realest.
Oh, wait. Iggy already used that one.
Well, let’s see…
What some people don’t know is there are two of us and we’re both Jennifers. How lucky are we? The most common name from the 70’s! Our parents were so original.
We found each other through Twilight and tornadoes. Sounds like a crazy combination, but it’s true. We were roaming around in the same groups of people on social media, but we hadn’t really became friends. But that all changed on a stormy Oklahoma night when we noticed that we were both experiencing the same tornado warnings.
We met a week later for lunch and the rest is history. We already knew we had the whole Twilight thing in common, but what we learned that day is that we both loved music and traveling. Together, we’ve been everywhere. Well, not everywhere, but a lot of places…Seattle, Forks, LA, New York, Chicago, Philly, Nashville, and New Orleans, where our hearts reside.
About six months after we met, we also realized we both had a passion for writing. When we started outlining our first story, we thought that would be it. One story and done. So, we dumped everything we loved into those 100,000 words. If you’re familiar with the term “crack fic”, that was kind of what it was for us. We had fun with it and let ourselves live on those pages.
But it was like Lays potato chips.
We couldn’t write just one.
So, twenty stories later, here we are–publishing our first novel. And how crazy is it that we went back to the beginning.
Finding Focus was originally a Twilight Fan Fic titled Southern Comfort.
