Category Archives: Morally Gray Hero

RELEASE BLITZ: Cade by Bella Jewel

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Cade by Bella Jewel is now live! 

The MC SINNERS continues with Cade’s story. Continue the love affair as Addison and Cade navigate his past. It’ll either make or break them. I guess you’ll have to continue to find out. Enter, if you dare.

You all know her story.

You’ve lived it. Felt it. Breathed it.

The focus has always been on her.

Why wouldn’t it be? She’s the fucking sunshine.

She changed my life.

She made me the man I am.

So, I kept my story hidden, in the darkest depths where it belongs.

My life is good, and I have no desire to change it.

That is until my feisty, fiery, stubborn woman decides to make it her mission to find out what secrets lie beneath the surface.

There is no voice of reason.

She won’t hear me when I tell her that I don’t want her going down that road.

Rocky, jagged, and broken – she’s tearing us apart in her quest to find answers.

She doesn’t want those answers, because gone will be the picture she created of me in her already shattered mind.

I’ll no longer be the man who rescued her, who changed her life, who made her better.

Instead, I’ll be cast aside with all the other villains in her story.

Because, if she keeps on digging, I’m going to become the monster in her mind.

I can’t let that happen.

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Meet Bella Jewel

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon release. Since that time, she has published over twenty-five novels, gaining a bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland with her fiancé and four beautiful kids. Bella has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013 she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. In 2016 she signed a three book deal with St Martin’s Press, and another three just a year later. She plans to expand her writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

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RELEASE BLITZ – Pack Reject by Merri Bright

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Title: Pack Reject

Series: The Splintered Bond #1

Author: Merri Bright

Genre: Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance

Tropes: Reverse Harem/Soulmates

Touch Her and Die

Release Date: June 26, 2024


I’m the pack reject. The prey. 

For years, I’ve kept myself safe from my small pack’s males, hiding in sewers and sleeping in trees to keep their teeth out of my neck. They don’t really want me, just the power and prestige that comes with winning the Hunt. I only want to survive. 

In three days, at the Enforcer Games, I’ll have one chance to escape. But when the Games begin, and the most powerful shifters in the world arrive at my packlands and scent me, a new Hunt begins. 

They’re the princes of our world. And they’re willing to break the rules to get me.

Pack Reject is the first book in a new reverse harem paranormal wolf shifter series from Amazon Top 50 and Vella bestselling author Merri Bright. Fated mates who are driven to reject each other, powerful enemies in unlikely places, and a fierce heroine who will change the world…if she can survive the Hunt.

This is a slow burn, medium-dark romance with a cliffhanger, fated/rejected mates, possessive MMCs, a morally gray, unhinged MMC, and a badass/traumatized FMC. Please read the content advisories in the Author’s Note. 




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#2 Pack Refuge







Merri Bright writes stories filled with magic, since those are the books she loves to read. She spends her days dreaming about naughty angels, misunderstood demons, sexy shifters, growly Alpha males, and frequently refuses to limit her heroines to just one love interest. Please join Merri’s Mischief Makers on Facebook where you’ll discover random giveaways, sneak peeks of new novels, book recommendations, and silly/sexy/funny stuff.






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Release Blitz with Review: Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne

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Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne is now live! 

A dark, contemporary, billionaire romance featuring anti-hero, secret society and close proximity tropes from USA Today Bestselling duo P. Rayne.

I spend my nights slinging drinks at Black Magic Bar or taking my clothes off at the local strip club. After my father passed, my stepmother gave me no other choice.

But when I break free of the chains binding me to my family estate, I find myself with nowhere to go. Until Nero Voss, the youngest of the billionaire Voss brothers, offers me a room at Midnight Manor. Now, I’m under his watchful gaze and enjoying it more than I should.

I shouldn’t give in to temptation, he is my stepsister’s ex-fiancé after all, but the pull toward him grows stronger by the day. I fight, but I’m losing the battle.

Nero is keeping secrets, though.

What he doesn’t know is that I’m keeping secrets, too.

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Midnight Whispers is the third book in the Midnight Manor and follows the story of Cinder and Nero. Midnight Whispers is a modern-day, retelling of Cinderella. Much like the OG story, when Cinder’s father passes away, her stepmom and stepsisters make it their mission to be as cruel as possible to Cinder. Meanwhile, Cinder’s stepsister, Maude is set to marry the “man of her dreams”, Nero. All is going to plan until Nero discovers a huge secret Maude has been keeping….

Midnight Whispers is a fantastic addition to the Midnight Manor series. P. Rayne did a fantastic job with this Cinderella retelling and I loved the personal spin they put on it. While Cinder found herself in a precarious situation with her stepfamily, she tried her best not to let them break her or weaken her. When Cinder finally found the courage to walk away from the only life she knew, all bets were off, especially when Nero came into the story. While all of the Voss brothers have a dark and complicated past, Nero definitely gave them a run for their money. On the outside, Nero may seem in total control, but he becomes obsessed when he has his sights set on something. And his latest obsession is Cinder. Cinder tests his restraint at every turn, and while stalking is normally a huge red flag/turn-off, it worked with this story.

Together, Cinder and Nero were unstoppable. It seemed as though nothing Nero could say or do would scare Cinder away. Cinder provided Nero with the love and understanding he’s always been seeking. He was free to be himself without worry of judgment. And the chemistry between them was absolutely scorching. These two seriously burned up the pages and weren’t afraid to make you blush.

Midnight Whispers delivered in every way possible. It hooked me from the first page and left me begging for more. Not only was this story absolutely sinful but it was filled with just the right amount of drama and angst to leave readers hanging on each and every word. I loved everything about this story, from beginning to end, and can not wait to read more of the Midnight Manor series.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review.*

Meet P. Rayne

The darker side of USA Today Bestselling Author, Piper Rayne. 

Connect with P. Rayne 







COVER REVEAL: Sin Like the Devil by J Rose

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J Rose has revealed the gorgeous covers for Sin Like The Devil!

Releasing: July 19, 2024

Model & Discreet Cover Design: The Pretty Little Design Co.

Photographer: Wander Aguiar

Model: Gustavo L.

“Look into the camera, Ripley.

Tell us what happened in Harrowdean Manor.”

Serving a three-year sentence after a violent manic episode, I own this psychiatric institute and every last patient in it.

Dealing contraband to the desperate and disturbed has earned me this kingdom. To survive, I simply sacrificed my soul.

They all fear me.

Worship me.

Hate me.

But no more than the demons I barely escaped last year. They thought they’d broken me with their greed and depravity. Instead, they made me ruthless.

Now, my enemies are back.

And they’re out for blood.

Lennox wants to kill me.

Xander wants to break me.

Raine just wants to feel alive.

But in here, it’s kill or be killed. As the horrifying reality behind Harrowdean’s lies starts to surface, a bloody battle for survival begins.

Their social experiment is set to burn.

And I’m the one holding the matches.

Author’s Note: Sin Like The Devil (Harrowdean Manor #1) is a dark why choose romance and book one in a duet. It does end on a cliffhanger. Set in the J Rose shared universe.

Pre-order your copy today!

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Meet J Rose

J Rose is an independent dark romance author from the United Kingdom. She writes challenging, plot-driven stories packed full of angst, heartbreak and broken characters fighting for their happily ever afters.
She’s an introverted bookworm at heart, with a caffeine addiction, penchant for cursing, and an unhealthy attachment to fictional characters.

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Release Tour for Wicked Knight Duet Boxed Set by Diana A. Hicks

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From Award-Winning Author Diana A. Hicks, comes a spicy collection featuring books one and two in the Wicked Knight Duet and an all-new short story, Heartless Vow. Readers who enjoy forbidden, mafia romances will want to devour the Wicked Knight Duet Boxed Set.

Read Now!

B& N Hardcover →

I want my happily-ever-after…

He wants revenge.

It all started with a lie. When I was in high school, I ruined Mr. Gallo’s reputation.

Now I’m in his classroom again. I’m older and most definitely over him.

Except, Professor Gallo isn’t over me.

Does the grumpy and hot-as-hell college professor have reason to hate me? Yes.

Does he intend to punish me for what I did to him years ago? Also yes.

Professor Luca Gallo has a lesson for me that I’m sure I will never forget.

Short-Story: Heartless Vow

Forbidden love finds a way in this steamy, friends to lovers short

Vittoria Salvatore is no one of consequence. Her life is simple, until she falls for the wrong guy, Giovanni Valentino, the one they call the Lion, her best friend, and the current Don of the Valentino family. The girlish crush she harbored well into adulthood can never be.

Giovanni knows the rules that bound their world and follows them to the letter—the five original crime families can never fraternize. Her feelings for him don’t matter.

But rules were meant to be broken. When Vittoria receives the news that would turn her life upside down, she decides to send it all to hell and claim the Lion for herself.

Book Two:

Destiny Can Be So Cruel…

Maxim Belov is Papa’s favorite son. Like his father, Maxim is ruthless and always gets what he wants.

Maxim wants me. He doesn’t even care that our families are mortal enemies, or that I’ve never seen his face.

Because of him, I’m forced into a marriage with a stranger.

On our wedding night, when I finally come face to face with my worst enemy, my entire life is turned upside down.

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Excerpt, Wicked Knight, Book Two

Copyright 2024, Diana A. Hicks

With a loud thud, the door exploded open. Jeez. Even though he was still wrapped in bandages, Maxim looked as menacing as a raging bull.

“Don’t come near me.” I put up both hands, then kicked myself for not procuring a weapon when I had the time. The bedside lamp would’ve been a good choice. “You’re sorely mistaken if you think I’m going to stand back while you hurt me and my family.”

His gaze swept up and down my body. “I didn’t think you would.” He winced, then strode past me toward the bed.

As if Anatoli could read minds, he rushed into the suite while panting, as if he’d ran up the stairs. He met my gaze then turned his attention toward Maxim. When he realized there were no casualties, he relaxed his stance.

“You’re bleeding, Maxim. Let me look.” He gestured for Maxim to sit.

Maxim raised his hand and stopped Anatoli in his tracks. “No. Let my wife tend to my wounds.”

“Ooo-kay.” Anatoli looked as confused as I was.

“Leave us.” Maxim braced his good arm on his knees and released a breath.

“Everything you need is in the bathroom,” Anatoli said to me then turned to leave. He paused when he spotted the unhinged door. “I’ll get someone to fix that.”

“Thanks.” I smiled at him.

The wife in me wanted to tell my husband to go to hell. But the doctor in me was already thinking of all the things that could go wrong if I didn’t check on Maxim. He was tired because his body was working overtime, trying to heal itself. But also, because he just cracked open a heavy wooden door with his foot.

Cursing under my breath, I strode to the bathroom and got all the essentials to wash out his wounds. When I returned, Maxim hadn’t moved an inch.

“We should rinse your wounds twice a day, then cover them. They’ll heal faster that way.” I approached him tentatively, the way one would do with a wild animal because that was exactly what he was. My gaze swept from the splint and stained gauze to the blood seeping through his white dress shirt in two different places. “I need to take a look first.”

He nodded. With a sigh, he undid all the buttons, then sat back to let me help him with it. I pulled the fabric up then pushed it over his shoulders. The soft hair on his chest bristled the skin on my arms and chest. To my surprise, the gentle exchange eased my nerves.

“Getting out of bed today was a bad idea.” I picked at the gauze and removed it.

“I had things to attend to.”

“Right. You had that illegal wedding to go to.” I shot back.

“Yes.” He chuckled. “I did.”

“This shouldn’t hurt. It’s just water.” I squeezed the squirt bottle and rinsed his entire shoulder.

Even if fear wasn’t a big part of the equation anymore, I still couldn’t get myself to look at him. Not even when he cocked his head to look at me. His hot breath left a warm trail that ran from my cheek all the way down to my hip. He gripped his thigh with long fingers as his inspection of me continued.

“Little late for that, don’t you think?” I sneered.

“What’s that?”

“Buyer’s remorse.”

“I didn’t pay for you.” He took a lock of my hair. “Your hair is shorter.”

“I cut it after…” I’d cut it shortly after Luca left, but Maxim didn’t need to know that. I swallowed and bit my tongue for offering him intimate details of my life. “You were spying on me.”

“Not for long.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “Your scent reminds me of something. But I can’t remember what.”

“Probably your dungeon. I’ve showered six times since I left and I can’t seem to scrub the stench off me.” I shuffled back. “I need you to get up to get the other two sutures.”

Slowly, as if he were trying not to scream in pain, he rose to his feet. When I stepped into his circle, he bent down to whisper in my ear, “You smell fine to me.”

About Diana A. Hicks

Diana A. Hicks is an award-winning author of steamy romantic suspense and science-fiction romance.

When Diana is not writing, she enjoys hot yoga, kickboxing, traveling, and indulging in the simple joys of life like wine and chocolate. She lives in Atlanta and loves spending time with her two children and husband. Connect with Diana on social media to stay up to date on her latest releases.

Praise for Diana A. Hicks:

“Hicks’ first installment of her Desert Monsoon series is confident and assured with strong storytelling, nuanced characters, and a dynamic blend of romance and suspense…A sexy and irresistible tale for fans of contemporary romance.” – Kirkus Reviews

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Release Blitz with Review: When Lies Unfold by R.C. Boldt

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Title: When Lies Unfold
Author: RC Boldt
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Tropes: Alpha Hero/Heroine in Distress/Close
Proximity/Enemies to Lovers/Opposites Attract
Release Date: May 23, 2024

USA Today bestselling author RC Boldt delivers a seductive new romantic suspense filled with twists in WHEN LIES UNFOLD…

The moment I witness a murder, my quiet, careful existence goes up in smoke. I’m thrust into the world of Santiago Hernández, Central America’s most ruthless cartel leader.

In exchange for my life, I’m placed under his watchful eye. Day in and day out, he waits for me to betray my promise of silence.

The longer I stay in his world, the deeper I fall for the glimpses of the man beneath that handsome yet cunning exterior. The man whose possessive touch ignites a long-lost part of me.

But I should know better than to open my heart to a cold-blooded criminal with a laundry list of deadly sins and secrets. Especially when he has no idea who I really am.

Because when the lies unfold, he’ll discover I have a list of sins and secrets of my own. 




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A thrilling and exciting dark romance!

At first, I wasn’t sure what to make of Santiago. He was a ruthless cartel leader and always got his way. I didn’t like his initial treatment of Lola, but as time went on, he developed a soft spot for Lola and completely redeemed himself. 

Speaking of Lola, I loved how strong and independent she was. She wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself, even in the most dire of situations. She was desperate to not be held prisoner and had no desire to be a part of Santiago’s world, but couldn’t fight the pull between them. 

Together, Santiago and Lola made a dangerous pair. Both were stubborn, intense and not afraid to go after what they wanted. Their chemistry was beyond scorching and I couldn’t wait to see how their story would play out. 

The road to happily ever after wasn’t an easy one for Santiago and Lola. Lola has secrets that she’d rather keep hidden and a past that is desperate to catch up with her. I loved trying to figure out what Lola was hiding and even though I was on the right track, I wasn’t expecting the truth that was revealed. 

When Lies Unfold kept me on my toes the entire time and left me utterly speechless and I loved every single second of it. If you’re a fan of possessive antiheroes and forced proximity romances you’re gonna need to pick up this book asap. 

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*


RC Boldt is a USA Today bestselling author currently living in part of the Costa Rican jungle with the love of her life and her mini-me




Release Blitz with Review: Shattered Vows by P. Rayne

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Shattered Vows by P. Rayne is now live!

Once upon a time, I thought I’d found my happy ever after. Until she ruined it all.

I’d been on the hunt for four long years, and I finally found her.

I planned the perfect revenge. Kidnapping Rapsody on the day she was set to marry another man and forcing her to face my wrath while trapped in the confines of my family’s gothic manor.

Despite my desire to punish her, there is still an undeniable pull between us. But as the walls of the manor close in around us, we both have to confront the truth. Can we trust each other, or will my dark past consume us both?

SHATTERED VOWS is a dark contemporary romance that weaves together the themes of desire and redemption and is a Rapunzel reimagining with the following tropes: age gap, anti-hero, gothic romance, secret society, forced proximity, opposites attract, enemies to lovers, morality chain, billionaire, and second chance.

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Duet Narration by: Tor Thom & Muffy Newtown

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After reading Moonlit Thorns, I knew without a doubt, that I had to get my hands on the next installment, ASAP. And believe me when I tell you, this series keeps getting better and better!

Shattered Vows is the second installment of the Midnight Manor series and follows the story of Kol and Rapsody. Once upon a time, Kol and Rapsody fell hard and fell fast. But, Rapsody isn’t like the other girls. She’s lived an incredibly sheltered life and when their love is put to the test, Rapsody disappears and ruins everything. Now, years later, Kol is on a mission for revenge and kidnapping Rapsody seems like the perfect plan…

Shattered Vows sucked in from the very first page. Rapsody is the perfect representation of Rapunzel. She’s innocent and sheltered. She only knows the life her mother has given her and has never questioned it until Kol. Kol is his own brand of darkness. He’s intense and not afraid to go after the things he wants. Together, these two shouldn’t work but their connection is all-consuming and I loved seeing Kol and Rapsody navigate through all the hurdles P. Rayne threw at them.

P. Rayne has completely knocked it out of the park with Shattered Vows. The characters are the perfect mix of dark and light. They are complex and intriguing. You’ll find yourself utterly consumed, desperate for answers, and ultimately, will lose track of time because you can’t stop reading.

If you’re a fan of fairytale re-tellings, you won’t want to miss Shattered Vows. This modern-day, Rapunzel re-telling is filled with action, suspense, angst, and danger. It more than delivers with its secrets, revelations, sexy good times, and of course romance.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Meet P. Rayne

The darker side of USA Today Bestselling Author, Piper Rayne.

Connect with P. Rayne







DISCREET COVER REVEAL: Beg For Me by J.T. Geissinger

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J.T. Geissinger has revealed the gorgeous discreet cover for Beg For Me!

Releasing: September 26, 2024

Cover designer: Lori Jackson Designs


He’s too cocky. Too much of a playboy. Too handsome, too charming…

And way too young.

Carter McCord is exactly the kind of trouble I don’t need. We hold the same top executive spot at rival corporations, but the similarities end there. He’s glided through life on good looks and his daddy’s money, I’ve fought tooth and nail for every dime I’ve earned.  

I dislike him intensely.

The problem is that I want him in the same way. 


She’s smart, sophisticated, and sexy as hell. I don’t care that we’re supposed to be enemies, that she acts like I’m invisible, or that my whole family would cut me off if we were together…

I’m gonna make her mine.

Even if she makes me beg for it. 

Author’s note: Beg For Me is a standalone enemies-to-lovers, reverse age-gap romance with an obsessive morally gray hero and spicy bedroom scenes intended for mature readers only. 

Pre-order your copy of the ebook today!

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Meet J.T. Geissinger

J.T. Geissinger is a #1 international and Amazon Charts bestselling author of thirty novels. Ranging from funny, feisty romcoms to intense erotic thrillers, her books have sold over ten million copies worldwide and been translated into more than twenty languages.

She is a three-time finalist in both contemporary and paranormal romance for the RITA® Award, the highest distinction in romance fiction from the Romance Writers of America®. She is also a recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and the HOLT Medallion for Best Erotic Romance.

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Release Blitz with Review: A Vicious Proposal by Kristy Marie

Title: A Vicious Proposal

Series: The Fallen Kings of Eden #1

Author: Kristy Marie

Genres: Contemporary Romantic Suspense

Tropes: Enemies to Lovers/Forced Marriage

Release Date: January 17, 2024

I knew him only as Van Gogh.
A tortured artist who owned the night as he moved through the shadows, cloaked in hate and madness.
He was a vicious vigilante—a serial arsonist who thrived on the fear he triggered with a single match between his tattooed knuckles.
We were told to lock our doors and stay inside.
I wanted to. I really did.
But then I saw his eyes, burning like embers as he watched me through the smoke.
And like the flames at his feet, I delighted in his attention.
I became his muse.
His passion.
His obsession.
His perfectly flawed flower.
But that was years ago.
Before my seaside town became his canvas…
Before the ashes of my enemies became his paint…
Before he hated me… and made me his wife.




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“I am the arsonist known as the soulless judge, and in my courtroom, no one escapes my creative passion for justice.”

“In the shadows of the west, she grows stronger at night…” “To follow her true love east, knowing the price of his warmth, is her soul.”

“She’s always been mine to ruin and love as violently as the flames that dance between my fingers.”

Talk about a book I never saw coming. Reese and Van’s story is unlike anything I’ve read by this author to date and I’ll be the first to tell you, she knocked it out of the park with this read.

Van is the anti-hero you hate to love. His past is troubled and he seeks revenge on those who have wronged him. But, there’s one person from his past that he can’t seem to forget. Reese is his obsession, his perfectly flawed flower. It will be years before Van and Reese are reunited and when they finally are, nothing will ever be the same….

A Vicious Proposal hooked me from the very first page. I was desperate to know more about Van and Reese’s past and how something so perfect could go so terribly wrong. Van is the perfect, morally gray, anti-hero. As much as you want to throttle him, you can’t help but be drawn to him. There’s more to him than meets the eye and I promise, his character does not disappoint.

Reese is the perfect match for Van. She isn’t afraid of him or to speak her mind. She tries to make the best out of an unbelievable situation and won’t rest until the truth sets her free.

Together, Reese and Van made an incredible team. Their banter kept me on my toes and thoroughly entertained me. And the sexual tension between the two of them…off the charts! These two characters were a force to be reckoned with and I couldn’t wait to see how their story would play out in the end.

A Vicious Proposal is the perfect book to spend the weekend curled up in. The writing and the characters will keep you on your toes. The secrets, lies, and sexy times will keep you begging for more. If you love morally gray heroes and friends to enemies to lovers romances, you won’t want to miss this exciting new read from author Kristy Marie!

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*


Kristy Marie is an international bestselling author who loves writing temperamental heroes who fall hard for strong and witty heroines.

She enjoys annoying her three children and husband for all the hugs and will attempt to grow anything green. She also reads all things romance and can be caught being naughty by enjoying a chapter or two before her 9 p.m. bedtime.

When Kristy’s not writing broody alphas or hugging babies, you can catch her in pajamas watching baseball and yelling at the TV. Go Braves!






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RELEASE BLITZ: Forget Me Not by Rachel Leigh

Forget Me Not by Rachel Leigh is now live!

An all-new dark romance standalone by author Rachel Leigh with an obsessive anti-hero, and a heroine who fights as hard as she falls.

It should have been a harmless swindle.

A survival tactic, plain and simple.

Because I, Rhea Thorn, am a survivor.

At least, I thought I was…

Until I conned a psycho.

After a meaningless one night stand, I emptied his wallet and fled before the morning sun.

By that night, I had seventeen missed calls, and a broken window with a note:

You can keep what you stole, but I get you in return.

Everywhere I go, he’s there—blurring the vision between right and wrong, while enticing me with his sultry blue eyes.

Alaric promised me I’d never forget him.

And I’m beginning to fear he’s right.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


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    Meet Rachel

 Rachel Leigh is a USA Today and International bestselling author of new adult and contemporary romances.

She loves to write—and read—flawed bad-boys and strong heroines. You can expect dark elements, a dash of suspense, and a lot of steam.

Her goal is to take readers on an adventure with her words, while showing them that even on the darkest days, love conquers all.

Rachel lives in Michigan with her husband, three little monsters (who aren’t so little anymore) and a couple of fur babies. When she’s not writing or reading, she’s likely lounging in leggings, with coffee in her hand, while binge watching her favorite reality tv shows.

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