Category Archives: Billionaire

RELEASE BLITZ: The Sinner by Marni Mann

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The Sinner by Marni Mann is now live! 

A scorching hot, he-falls-first, touch-her-and-die, billionaire romance from USA Today best-selling author Marni Mann …

The first time I saw her, I wanted her.
The second time I saw her, I knew she had to be mine.
Beautiful blonde hair. Cornflower-blue eyes. Body to die for.
All things I knew I couldn’t live without.
But after one night, she ghosted me, leaving me desperate for another taste.
I was usually the one to walk out the door before the morning light came.
This time, it was her, but not without becoming my obsession in the process.
Lily was a mystery.
She had a past shrouded in secrets she was unwilling to divulge.
She was running from something, and I was determined to find out what it was.
And once I did, I’d do anything to protect her.
They called me the sinner for a reason.
Because I wouldn’t hesitate to burn down the world or cross any line to save her.

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


Meet Marni

USA Today best-selling author Marni Mann knew she was going to be a writer since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about teenage pop stars, Marni was fantasizing about penning her first novel. She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotions. A New Englander at heart, she now lives with her husband in Sarasota, Florida. When she’s not nose deep in her laptop, working on her next novel, she’s scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling, boating, or devouring fabulous books. Want to get in touch?

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RELEASE BLITZ: Bright Lights & Summer Nights by Kat Singleton

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Bright Lights & Summer Nights by Kat Singleton is now live! 

Summer nights can be full of surprises.

As a single, unemployed, and unapologetic twenty-five year old mess, I came to the Hamptons this summer for one reason—to focus on myself and work out my quarter-life crisis. I didn’t come here planning to sneak into a private party and meet a handsome stranger.

I definitely didn’t come here expecting for that stranger to be Preston Rhodes—billionaire and superstar quarterback for the Manhattan Mambas.

And that’s not even the crazy part.

He asked me to be his pretend girlfriend for a week while his family is in town. He needed a date for his sister’s wedding, and I’d never turn down the opportunity to be spoiled by a rich man.

The only thing is, Preston’s not very good at pretending.

Now instead of discovering myself, I’m spending the week discovering what life would be like with him. Instead of focusing on me, I’m focusing on how he looks at me, how he touches me, how he wants me.

But now that neither one of us is faking it, I only hope that we can hold on to what we have through the bright lights and summer nights.

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


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Meet Kat Singleton

Kat Singleton is an Amazon top 5 bestselling author best known for writing Black Ties and White Lies. She loves writing elite banter and angst mixed with a heavy dose of spice. Kat strives to write an authentically raw love story for her characters and feels that no book is complete without some emotional turmoil before a happily ever after.

She lives in Kansas with her husband, her two kids, and her two doodles. In her spare time, you can find her surviving off iced coffee and sneaking in a few pages of her current read.

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Release Blitz with Review: Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne

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Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne is now live! 

A dark, contemporary, billionaire romance featuring anti-hero, secret society and close proximity tropes from USA Today Bestselling duo P. Rayne.

I spend my nights slinging drinks at Black Magic Bar or taking my clothes off at the local strip club. After my father passed, my stepmother gave me no other choice.

But when I break free of the chains binding me to my family estate, I find myself with nowhere to go. Until Nero Voss, the youngest of the billionaire Voss brothers, offers me a room at Midnight Manor. Now, I’m under his watchful gaze and enjoying it more than I should.

I shouldn’t give in to temptation, he is my stepsister’s ex-fiancé after all, but the pull toward him grows stronger by the day. I fight, but I’m losing the battle.

Nero is keeping secrets, though.

What he doesn’t know is that I’m keeping secrets, too.

 Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

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Midnight Whispers is the third book in the Midnight Manor and follows the story of Cinder and Nero. Midnight Whispers is a modern-day, retelling of Cinderella. Much like the OG story, when Cinder’s father passes away, her stepmom and stepsisters make it their mission to be as cruel as possible to Cinder. Meanwhile, Cinder’s stepsister, Maude is set to marry the “man of her dreams”, Nero. All is going to plan until Nero discovers a huge secret Maude has been keeping….

Midnight Whispers is a fantastic addition to the Midnight Manor series. P. Rayne did a fantastic job with this Cinderella retelling and I loved the personal spin they put on it. While Cinder found herself in a precarious situation with her stepfamily, she tried her best not to let them break her or weaken her. When Cinder finally found the courage to walk away from the only life she knew, all bets were off, especially when Nero came into the story. While all of the Voss brothers have a dark and complicated past, Nero definitely gave them a run for their money. On the outside, Nero may seem in total control, but he becomes obsessed when he has his sights set on something. And his latest obsession is Cinder. Cinder tests his restraint at every turn, and while stalking is normally a huge red flag/turn-off, it worked with this story.

Together, Cinder and Nero were unstoppable. It seemed as though nothing Nero could say or do would scare Cinder away. Cinder provided Nero with the love and understanding he’s always been seeking. He was free to be himself without worry of judgment. And the chemistry between them was absolutely scorching. These two seriously burned up the pages and weren’t afraid to make you blush.

Midnight Whispers delivered in every way possible. It hooked me from the first page and left me begging for more. Not only was this story absolutely sinful but it was filled with just the right amount of drama and angst to leave readers hanging on each and every word. I loved everything about this story, from beginning to end, and can not wait to read more of the Midnight Manor series.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review.*

Meet P. Rayne

The darker side of USA Today Bestselling Author, Piper Rayne. 

Connect with P. Rayne 







COVER REVEAL: Heartbreaker by Marni Mann

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Marni Mann has revealed the gorgeous cover for The Heartbreaker!

Releasing: September 12, 2024

Cover Design: Hang Le

A super steamy, billionaire romance from USA Today best-selling author Marni Mann …

The Heartbreaker, which features Ridge Cole, is a sizzling, single dad story with all the spice and swoons. Full blurb coming soon!

Pre-order your copy today!

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Meet Marni

USA Today best-selling author Marni Mann knew she was going to be a writer since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about teenage pop stars, Marni was fantasizing about penning her first novel. She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotions. A New Englander at heart, she now lives with her husband in Sarasota, Florida. When she’s not nose deep in her laptop, working on her next novel, she’s scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling, boating, or devouring fabulous books. Want to get in touch?

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Release Blitz: The Flirt by Layla Hagen

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Layla Hagen

Release Date: April 5


Being a single dad while managing one of the biggest businesses in New Orleans keeps me very busy. Any free time I have I spend with my daughter, Bella — reading to her, styling her hair, or choosing nail polishes appropriate for an eight-year-old.

But I’m okay with that because she is my whole world.

After my divorce, I made myself a promise: I wouldn’t date until Bella was older. Then all my good intentions go up in smoke when I hire our newest chef for the flagship restaurant in the French Quarter. Scarlett Jones is unlike any woman I’d ever met. She’s smart and beautiful and I can’t get enough of her.

For more reasons than one, I need to keep my distance. So when I begin flirting… surprising her with beignets and coffee at break time, then king cake after hours, I know I’ve gone too far. And when I join Scarlett on a ridiculous haunted tour of the city, I’m certain I’ve lost my mind. She’s become my addiction. I want to explore those curves, find out her deepest desires—and make them come true.

But it’s when she offers to teach my daughter how to bake, I know I’m in wayyyyy over my head. When the three of us are together, I get a glimpse of the family we could be.
The question is, are we both ready to put our fears behind us?

And to think, it all started with a little flirt.

Grab Your Copy!


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Meet Layla Hagen:

My name is Layla Hagen and I am a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance.

I fell in love with books when I was nine years old, and my love affair with stories continues even now, many years later.

I write romantic stories and can’t wait to share them with the world.

And I drink coffee.

Keep up with Layla Hagen and subscribe to her newsletter:

To learn more about Layla Hagen & her books, visit here!

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Release Blitz with Review: Pretty Rings and Broken Things by Kat Singleton

Pretty Rings and Broken Things by Kat Singleton is now live!

Pretty rings can’t always fix broken things.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop powerful men from trying. Which is why instead of getting the wedding I’d always dreamed of, I was forced to marry the heir to our rival company and join a family that we’ve hated for generations.

An arranged marriage to make our problem disappear.

Then again, I’m the one that snuck around behind my father’s back and ended up at the center of a scandal that could ruin my family’s reputation.

Now the only person who can protect me is the cold and calculated billionaire, Archer Moore.

The marriage was only supposed to be for show, but Archer can be very convincing. He’s demanded we move in together. That we kiss. That we make it look—and feel—real. He’s a man who is obsessed with getting what he wants—and I’m starting to think what he wants is me.

But the closer we get, and the less we pretend, the more I question if the grudges between our families are too much to overcome for a marriage that was built on pretty rings and broken things.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited




Now this is how you do an arranged marriage romance!

When a private moment gets recorded without permission, Winnie finds herself in an impossible situation to not only save face but protect her family’s company. Never in a million years did she think she’d find herself married to her family’s rival. An arranged marriage seems like the answer to their prayers. But what happens when lines become blurred and fake starts to feel like more? You’ll have to read Pretty Rings and Broken Things to find out….

Winnie and Archer’s story captivated me from the first page. At first, I wasn’t sure what to think of Archer or his intentions. But, the more I got to know him, the more he became the book boyfriend of my dreams. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Winnie. He was the knight in shining armor whom Winnie never saw coming. And, Winnie is feisty, funny, and isn’t afraid to give Archer a run for his money. She’s a devoted friend and is just what Archer never knew he needed.

The chemistry between Archer and Winnie was off the charts, amazing! The push and pull between them left me aching for more. I loved watching the two of them grow into their relationship and seeing Archer trying to earn Winnie’s trust.

I enjoyed everything about this book from beginning to end. It captivated me. It intrigued me. It kept me on my toes. I loved the rivalry between their families and seeing certain people get their comeuppance. And the romance and sexy good times left me yearning for more.

From fake marriage to catching feelings to an unforgettable romance, this book definitely delivered. If you’re looking for a sexy, age-gap, arranged marriage romance, Pretty Rings and Broken Things is just the romance you’ve been waiting for.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*

Meet Kat Singleton

Kat Singleton is an Amazon top 5 bestselling author best known for writing Black Ties and White Lies. She loves writing elite banter and angst mixed with a heavy dose of spice. Kat strives to write an authentically raw love story for her characters and feels that no book is complete without some emotional turmoil before a happily ever after.

She lives in Kansas with her husband, her two kids, and her two doodles. In her spare time, you can find her surviving off iced coffee and sneaking in a few pages of her current read.

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RELEASE BLITZ – The Sexy Billionaire by JA Low

Title: The Sexy Billionaire

Series: Italian Nights #2

Author: JA Low

Genre: Contemporary Billionaire Romance

Tropes: Second Chance/Forbidden Love/Secrets

Release Date: February 18, 2024



I’ve always been the dutiful son, living my life for everyone else but me.
So, walking in on my fiancée with someone else during our engagement party should have filled me with devastation, but instead, I felt relieved.
When a drunken message to the woman whose heart I broke all those years ago comes back with a reply, will this be the second chance I’ve always hoped for, or is it too late?


This isn’t at all how I saw my life playing out.
It started with discovering I’ve inherited my Great Aunt’s estate in Italy.
Then I walk into our restaurant and find my husband giving his French baguette to our sous chef.
And because I hadn’t suffered enough, the universe decides to bring back into my life the one man I swore I’d never speak to ever again.

Except now he’s a sexy billionaire.





Free in Kindle Unlimited


#1 The Sexy Stranger


Free in Kindle Unlimited


JA Low lives on the Gold Coast in Australia. When she’s not writing steamy scenes and admiring hot surfers, she’s tending to her husband, two sons and all her chickens while dreaming up the next epic romance.







COVER REVEAL: Pretty Rings and Broken Things by Kat Singleton


Kat Singleton has revealed the gorgeous cover for Pretty Rings and Broken Things!

Releasing: February 22, 2024

Cover Design: Ashes and Vellichor

Pretty rings can’t always fix broken things.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop powerful men from trying. Which is why instead of getting the wedding I’d always dreamed of, I was forced to marry the heir to our rival company and join a family that we’ve hated for generations.

An arranged marriage to make our problem disappear.

Then again, I’m the one that snuck around behind my father’s back and ended up at the center of a scandal that could ruin my family’s reputation.

Now the only person who can protect me is the cold and calculated billionaire, Archer Moore.

The marriage was only supposed to be for show, but Archer can be very convincing. He’s demanded we move in together. That we kiss. That we make it look—and feel—real. He’s a man who is obsessed with getting what he wants—and I’m starting to think what he wants is me.

But the closer we get, and the less we pretend, the more I question if the grudges between our families are too much to overcome for a marriage that was built on pretty rings and broken things.

Pre-order your copy today!


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Meet Kat Singleton


Kat Singleton is an Amazon top 5 bestselling author best known for writing Black Ties and White Lies. She loves writing elite banter and angst mixed with a heavy dose of spice. Kat strives to write an authentically raw love story for her characters and feels that no book is complete without some emotional turmoil before a happily ever after.

She lives in Kansas with her husband, her two kids, and her two doodles. In her spare time, you can find her surviving off iced coffee and sneaking in a few pages of her current read.

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Year in Review: 2023 Reading Challenge Completed ✔

Each year, I try to create a reading challenge that’s not only fun and challenging but also realistic. This year, I set the bar pretty high, and couldn’t be happier with the results. I’ve read over 300 books for this challenge, 78 of those being books that have sat on my Kindle for far too long. I’ve discovered a lot of new authors and exciting books in 2023 and can not wait to see what next year’s challenge will bring.

Here are the books that made my 2023 Reading Challenge a success:

Re-Read a favorite bookNew Moon by Stephanie Meyer
A book by an author new to meIrresistibly Broken by J. Saman
A ContemporaryHideaway Heart by Melanie Harlow
A New Adult ReadThe Coven by Harper L. Woods
A Biker NovelUnder Locke by Mariana Zapata
A Paranormal/FantasyVicious Bonds by Shanora Williams
A Sports RomanceCoach by Devney Perry
A Romantic ComedyMy Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
A book chosen for its coverBuried in Lies by TL Smith
Accidental PregnancyRising by Micalea Smeltzer
Older Brother’s Best FriendOver My Brothers Dead Body, Chase Andrews by Piper Rayne
Holiday Romance (any holiday)Claus & Effect by Piper Rayne
ForbiddenThe Unrequited by Saffron Kent
BillionaireMy Dark Romeo by Parker S Huntington and LJ Shen
Jilted BrideAche for You by JT Geissinger
Workplace RomanceThe RSVP by Lauren Blakely
Fake RelationshipFor Never by Aurora Rose Reynolds
Marriage of ConvenienceFractured Secrets by Haley Jenner
Favorite tropeDear Grumpy Boss by Julia Wolf
A book with a red coverAlways Practice Safe Hex by Juliette Cross
A Book with a One Word TitleResist by Ava Harrison
A Book with a pink coverThe Sweetest Revenge by Lizzy Dent
A Book with an illustrated coverYou Never Forget Your First and He Just Might Be The Death of Me by Millie Perez
A book set in a different country from where you currently live.My Summer in Seoul by RVD
10 books on your TBRHouse of Shadows by K.A. Linde
House of Curses by K.A. Linde
All The Little Raindrops by Mia Sheridan
Until Hanna by Aurora Rose Reynolds
Moments of Mayhem by T.L. Smith
She Was Mine First by M. Robinson
Where We Started by Ashley Munoz
Darkest Need by RVD
A Pessimist’s Guide to Love by Jennifer Hartmann
House of Dragons by K.A. Linde
6 New ReleasesYou had Your Chance Lee Burrows by Piper Rayne
Wrong For You by Harloe Rae
Liars Like Us by JT Geissinger
Don’t Forget Me Tomorrow by A.L. Jackson
Before We Fall by Aurora Rose Reynolds
Fall Into You by Jt Geissinger
A Rock Star RomanceSweet Regret by K. Bromberg
A Book picked by a friendBrutal Billionaire by Laurelin Paige
Dark/TabooThe Sinner by Shantel Tessier
Reverse HaremPoison Roses by Jaymin Eve & Tate James
Historical RomanceWolfsgate by Cat Porter
Enemies to Lovers troupeSinful Crown by Ava Harrison
A book that will make you Ugly CryBefore US by Jewel E Ann
A book with an Age Gap troupeThe Tryst by Lauren Blakely
A book with Friends to Lovers troupeThe Baby Proposition by Kim Loraine
A book with a Blue coverTwo Week Seduction by Kathy Lyons
A Book with a White CoverPerfect Together by Kristen Ashley
A Book with no people on the coverOnly Love Can Hurt Like This by Paige Toon
A Book that will be made/has been made into a movie/tv showThe Wedding Season by Samantha Chase
A Diversified ReadBefore I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan
1 DuetThe Sacrifice Duet by A. Zavarelli & Natasha Knight
Romantic SuspenseBeyond the Thistles by Samantha Young
A Book with a black coverWise by Cora Brent
book where main character is/was in the militaryText by Cambria Hebert
Small Town romanceCherished Enough by Kelly Elliott
First Responder (Police Officer/Firefighter/EMT)Between Hello and Goodbye by Emma Scott
Second Chance Romancebook, where the main character is/, was in the military
Dystopian/Science FictionLast Light by Claire Kent
Grumpy/SunshineForbidden Hearts by Corinne Michaels
A book with a yellow coverAn Optimist’s Guide to Heartbreak by Jennifer Hartmann
2 Books that have been on your tbr for 3 years or moreDeny Me by Fiona Cole
Wake Up Call by Victoria Ashley
A Book with a Purple CoverWitches Get Stitches by Juliette Cross
A Book by your favorite authorBoneyard Tides by Amo Jones
A Royal RomanceRoyally Not Ready by Meghan Quinn
A book with a Cowboy on the coverSinful Enemy by M. Robinson
A YA BookCheck & Mate by Ali Hazelwood
Insta-loveUntil Willow by Aurora Rose Reynolds
An Opposites Attract NovelThe Rules of Dating by Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
Forced ProximityConvict by A Zavarelli
Bearded Man On CoverA Little Twist by Tia Louise
A Fighter/MMA BookCaged by Bella Matthews
Bad BoyTempting the Enemy by M. Robinson
Bully RomanceTraitor by Hattie Jude
MafiaDissolution by RVD
A Gothic RomanceBlack Rose by Karina Hale
A Stand-alone NovelThe Love Wager by Lynn Wager
Finish A Series I StartedMy Maddie by Tillie Cole
2 NovellasThe Dandelion Diary by Devney Perry
Same Time Next Year by Tessa Bailey
2 DuetsLords of Rathe Duet by Amo Jones & Meagan Brandy
The Luna Duet by Pepper Winters
1 Box SetCrimson Elite by T.L. Smith
5 Books I Already Own Per Month
JanRebellious by Kristy Marie
Grumpy Player Next Door by Pippa Grant
Flawless by Elise Silver
Last Resort by K. Bromberg
Timeless by Devney Perry
FebThe Mogul and the Muscle by Claire Kingsley
The Price of Scandal by Lucy Score
Tight Ends and Tiaras by Lex Martin,
Fake Date by Monica Murphy
Faking It With The Frenemy by Nadia Lee
MarchBehind His Eyes by Claire Kingsley
The Plan by Karla Sorensen
About Tomorrow by Abbi Glines
Beautifully Broken by Tata Lee
Didn’t Expect You by Claudia Burgoa
AprilMy Famous Frenemy by Piper Rayne
Ethan by Alex Wolf
Layer by Layer Kaylee Ryan
Don’t Play With Odin by Cynthia Eden
Wright That Got Away by KA Linde
MayDear Ava by Ilsa Madden Mills
Never With Me by Kaylee Ryan
Fire by Abbh Brooks
Pike by Brenda Rothert
Her Scottish Wolf by Theodora Taylor
JuneMine to Hold by Natasha Madison
Conquer by Colet Abedi
The Villain by Bella J
My Always One by Aleatha Romig
Secret Lucidity by EK Blair
JulyHow to heal a heartbreak by Cynthia Eden
Until I Get You by Claire Contreras
The Experiment by Amy Alves
A Glorious and Devlish Expanse by Katie McGarry
Finding My Reason by Claudia Burgoa
AugMoments of Malevolence by T.L. Smith
Breathing Fire by R.K. Lilley
Accidentally Scandalously Yours by Nina Levine
Crossing the Line by Jessica Prince
Mine for Yours by Harloe Rae
SeptDear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills
Never With Me by Kaylee Ryan
Fire by Abbh Brooks
Pike by Brenda Rothert
Her Scottish Wolf by Theodora Taylor
OctTyrant by RK Lilley
Never For Him by Jessica Prince
Hate Date by Kayleen Winter
The Tease by Lauren Blakely
The Brood by Devney Perry
NovMoments of Madness by T.L. Smith
The Italian by T.L. Swan
Crushing on the Cop by Piper Rayne
My Temptation by T.L. Swan
Crossing Fire by RK Lilley
DecWaiting for Christmas by Cynthia Eden
Two Twirls by Rachel Van Dyken
Unwritten by Jenna Hartley
Heresy by Lily White
Keeping You by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Release Blitz for Most Eligible Billionaire CEO Collection by Scarlett Avery

Bryce, Levi, and Beckett are commanding, overprotective, jealous, and powerful men. When it comes to the women they want, they’ll do anything, including burning the world down, to claim what’s theirs. Fans of Nina Levine, JA Low, and TL Swan will devour the Most Eligible Billionaire CEO Collection from Scarlett Avery, a spicy he falls first, billionaire collection.

Reviews Most Eligible Billionaire CEO Collection

Billionaire Factor—Bryce

★★★★★ “I love this book so much, I read it twice in a row.” —Jacquie

★★★★★ “Ms. Avery has given us a story that pulls you right in!” —Bella’s blog

★★★★★ “You just might need extra panties!!!” —Kindle Customer

★★★★★ “From the first moments, I am completely and thoroughly entranced.” —Blueocean*

Billionaire Hotshot—Levi

★★★★★ “OMG! Ms. Scarlett does it yet AGAIN! I love, love, love this book, and it was so, so HOT! She weaves a great story, great characters and lots of fun…”wink wink,” in the process! She is my absolute favorite author. I devour all her books! Keep ‘em “coming” Scarlett!” —JC

★★★★★ “Levi’s book was so good!!! This is the first book I have read by her, and it will not be the last! Levi’s story had me from the get-go, all the way to the end!” —Shopper

★★★★★ “I couldn’t stop reading this beautiful love story. Truly didn’t want the story to ever end. Can’t wait to read more books by this amazing author!” —JoAnna

Billionaire Mogul—Beckett

★★★★★ “Beckett and Arianne. These two. They lit up my kindle the moment they landed on it. What a journey. They gave me everything in a whole lot of moments and kept me hooked to the pages until the last word.”—Renee-Brianna-Tiffany

★★★★★ “This book is VERY HOT. There are LOTS of hot times in this story. It was a really wonderful and intense story with two people who work together.”—Addicted2Romance

★★★★★ “OH, MY HELL! This story is so hot that you’ll totally need your fan after picking it up. And making it an office romance with the shenanigans makes it even hotter in my eyes. This was a very entertaining.” —Jennifer Pierson: The Power of Three Readers

★★★★★ “There is no mistake in the chemistry between Beckett and Arianna. This story will give it to you all – drama, laughs, lust, a bet, and so much more.” —Lisa Petty


When a billionaire falls first, he’s willing to burn the world to embers in his pursuit to claim the woman who captures his heart…

These three commanding, powerful men come barging in like a force of nature. Jealous. Overprotective. Willing to burn the world down. And unflinching when it comes to confronting the bad guys who would dare to threaten the woman who brings them down to their knees. Nothing (nothing) will prevent them from claiming what’s theirs.

A filthy rich CEO who falls first for a woman is what romance dreams are made of.

The Most Eligible Billionaire CEO collection contains: 

Billionaire Factor—Bryce (Tropes: Pretty Woman retelling, billionaire romance, he falls first)

Billionaire Hotshot—Levi (Tropes: Cinderella retelling, billionaire romance, he falls first)

Billionaire Mogul—Beckett (Tropes: Workplace romance/office romance, opposites attract, billionaire romance, former rock star turned CEO, he falls first)

Add to Goodreads Here!

Buy Now or Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

Collection Excerpts:

Billionaire Factor: Copyright 2023 @Scarlett Avery

I’m really not sure what kind of conversation to make when a man pays for you to be at his beck and call.

“Let me go over how the evening is going to unfold,” he says, holding my gaze.

All right. No chitchat. Straight to business.

“I’m all ears.”

He cocks a brow.

Even his eyebrows are sexy.

How can that be?

I scan his gorgeous face, overwhelmed by the intensity of his eyes. Don’t get me started about the few sexy strands of gray hair that caress his temples.

Tall, brown-haired men with blue eyes usually leave me weak in the knees, and Bryce Van Der Linden is no exception.

Silver fox in the making.

I approve.

He clears his throat.

Crap. I’m ogling.

I sit straighter in my chair.

Hit me with your best shot. “I’m listening.”

“The event starts at seven-thirty. The car will pick us up at ten past, and we’ll arrive in good time since the venue where the Camus Cognac Cuvee foundation dinner will take place is located near this hotel.”

“I see.”

“You’ll stay by my side during the evening and act like my charming date.” Copy that. “I’ve secured your services from six-thirty to one in the morning, but I don’t expect we’ll stay until the end. The driver will drop us off here, I’ll pay you, and the driver will take you home.”

Wait. Aren’t I supposed to get paid first? I guess we’re going to a gala, and that’s not something Todd mentioned in his list of rules.


Bryce continues talking. “There will be a lot of international businesspeople with deep pockets, and if you can help smooth the interactions by throwing in a few sentences in their native tongue, I’m sure it will help me close more deals in the coming weeks.”

“I should be able to manage easily.”

“Todd told me you have a translation degree, and you speak Spanish, French, and Italian.”

“Yes, and yes.”

“Since I can barely say hello in any of those languages, I’ll count on you to break the ice. Are we clear?”

I nod. “You want me to smile, be charming, and when the opportunity arises, flirt with potential clients in their native tongue.”

“Yes, but don’t flirt your way into another man’s bed when I’m footing the bill,” he warns.

I didn’t expect that answer.

My inexperience as an escort shines bright.

Embarrassment colors my cheeks.

His face softens. “From what Todd tells me, you’re smart and you pick up on things quickly.”

“I am and I do.” I smile despite my discomfort.

The waiter returns with our drinks and some tempting appetizers. A few sips of my gin and tonic gives me the courage to ask a question I’ve had on my mind since Todd told me that the uber-successful and very eligible Bryce Van Der Linden was the first client of many to get in touch with him to secure ‘Amanda’s’ services.

“Bryce, may I ask a question?”

“Of course.”

“What should I say if someone asks about our relationship? How should I refer to you?”

“Good question. There’s a strategic reason behind hiring a gorgeous and sexy woman who speaks multiple languages. People will spend more time admiring your beauty and being impressed by your language skills than figuring out our relationship, but if someone were to ask, simply tell them you’re my director of international business. It’s a quick and simple way to put an end to any further questions they might have about us.”

“Got it. My language skills were the determining factor in selecting me over the other women at the agency?” Did I just ask that? “I’m sorry, Bryce. That came out the wrong way. I’m not questioning your decision,” I say, fumbling over my words.

He leans in dangerously close, his cologne—which I’m sure cost an arm and a leg—tickles my nostrils.

Holding my brown eyes with his dreamy blue ones, he places a hand on top of mine, and says in a suggestive voice, “Your language skills are a bonus. I selected you because you’re beautiful and you have an incredibly curvaceous body.”

His silky words make my nipples stand to attention and send tingles cartwheeling to my pussy.

Good Lord.

Billionaire Hotshot: Copyright 2023 @Scarlett Avery

Concern shines bright in his eyes and the stunning aqua shade shifts into a stormy blue as his jaw sets.

Why am I spilling my guts to a man who is, for all intents and purposes, still a stranger?

He looks over my head, seemingly searching for something, but I’m not sure what.

“Come on, let’s get out of the way,” he drags me to the front of lobby, not even waiting for my response.

“What’s your name?” he asks.

“I thought we weren’t supposed to exchange real names?”

“That only applies at the club. We obeyed the rules, but when we’re in the real world, we abide by different rules, J.S.,” he says with a light chuckle.

My cheeks blush furiously.

“You got my note?”

“Of course I did. And for the record, you were wrong.”

I furrow my eyebrows. “In what sense?”

“We meet again.”

“We do,” I say with a small smile.

His expression changes, turning more serious.

“Can I be honest?” he asks.

I nod, because I’m still awestruck.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since we hooked up.” My pulse jumps at his admission. “I really wanted to know who you were. In fact, it was a burning need.”

Butterflies erupt inside me.




“It’s the same for me. When I wasn’t consumed with all this drama––aka my life––you were on my mind.”

I spent the better part of Sunday at the office. Sydney came over on Sunday evening to keep me company and help me with my long list of stupid house chores. All the while, we exchanged naughty stories. Her alpha was undeniably an experienced lover, but he didn’t rock her world the way the man standing in front of me did mine.

“Are you going to keep me in suspense much longer, J.S.?” he presses.

“My name is Jules Salinger.”

“Pleased to meet you, Jules Salinger,” he flashes me a smile that makes me forget all my woes. “My name is Levi Aldridge.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Levi.”

“So, you’re having a challenging day?”

“To say the least.”

“I recognize you don’t know much about me, but I’m a great listener.”

“It’s okay,” I shake my head. “I don’t want to trouble you. I’ll figure it out,” I lie. As it stands, only a crystal ball—or a million dollars—can help me figure out my next step.

“It’s no trouble, Jules,” he tells me.

I love hearing my name on his lips.

I consider him for a long beat.

“Listen, whatever you’re dealing with is weighing on you. Sometimes you just need to get it off your chest.”

I let out a heavy sigh. “Okay.”

“Good,” he smiles. “I just ended a meeting with my lawyers, and I was heading to the convenient store for a chocolate bar because I’m starved,” he tells me. “If we’re going to talk, we might as well do it in front of a hearty meal and great wine. I know it’s only half past five, but why don’t we have an early dinner? I know a phenomenal Italian restaurant not too far.”

“I—uh… Are you sure? I don’t want you to change your evening plans on my account.”

“I know exactly what I want and that’s spending the evening with you,” his voice drops a notch or two, sounding wholly seductive, although I’m unsure if that’s on purpose or not. Regardless, my pussy approves.

“Oh,” I say, nervously brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Do you work in this building?” he asks.

“No.” I give him a quick rundown, but don’t mention Hillary. “I took a taxi here. I didn’t want to deal with parking, or worse, a ticket.” And my shitty car is unreliable.

“My Range Rover is parked in the garage. Let’s take my wheels and I’ll drive you back to your office after dinner.”

“Okay.” Truth be told, I don’t have it in me to argue. Not to mention, in this shit storm that is my life, Levi Aldridge is a beacon of light. I’d have to be stupid not to take him up on his offer.

Billionaire Mogul: Copyright 2023 @Scarlett Avery

A long stretch of silence passes between us.

“I wonder how much time we have left before the oxygen runs out in the elevator,” I say.


“I’m pulling your leg again.”

“You’re just mean.” There’s lightness in that statement.

“Not at all. I just wanted to get a reaction out of you since it seems it’s all I can get.”

She lets out a low laugh.

“Are we friends now?” I ask.

“Not even in your wildest dreams, loverboy.”

“Look at that, you stumbled onto something.”

“What are you talking about?” I’m sure she’s sporting a frown.

“I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

“Moving right along,” she says.

I chuckle.

Feeling like we’ve made progress, I take a chance.

“You smell lovely, by the way.”

The closed space traps the exquisite floral scent of her perfume.

“Thanks,” she says. “I’m lucky you didn’t eat garlic, yogurt, or sardines for breakfast. Halitosis is so unattractive.”

I chuckle again. “Is that your way of saying you like how I smell?”

“You’re putting words into my mouth, loverboy.”

“I’m going to savor this moment because you just went from hating my guts to calling me loverboy. Twice.”

“Don’t get the wrong idea, I still hate your guts, but that was smooth.”

“It’s my trademark, along with my dazzling white smile and baby blue eyes.”

“Oh, someone is so full of themselves.”

“Not at all,” I say. “I’m simply describing my best assets while keeping it PG. Feel free to do the same.”

That gets me a laugh. It’s contained, nonetheless, it’s a laugh.

“I’m sure your charm must go over well with the women you try to seduce—”

“Try? I’m insulted. The word isn’t even part of my vocabulary.”

“I guess women drop their panties for you every single time.”

“Wouldn’t you want to know, cupcake?”

I don’t know how far apart we are, but I take a small step closer to her.

Her clothes shuffle and then there’s a thumping sound. “Shit!” she says.

“I guess you can’t run very far.”

“Don’t you dare touch me,” she says. “I’ve taken self-defense classes.”

“I wouldn’t dream of touching you unless you begged for it.”

She gasps.

I grin wide.

“Only a woman who has no sense of her worth would beg a man to touch her,” she says.

“I can assure you, they beg for much more than that.”

She clears her throat.

A million questions bounce around in my head.

Is she a screamer in bed?

Would she dig her fingernails into my ass as I drive into her?

Does she prefer doggie style, or woman on top, or maybe reverse cowgirl.

What am I thinking about?

She’s not that wild.

I bet I could change that in an instant. 

“Wow, Romeo. You have a hell of an ego.”

“Perhaps you’ve never had it good enough to beg for it,” I say.

“Women fake it all the time and men are none the wiser.” Feisty.

“There are certain telltale signs women can’t fake. A good lover knows that.”

“You’re so full of—”

The elevator jerks just as she’s about to rip me a new one.

The lights flicker back on and static screeches from the ceiling speakers before a voice blares. “This is the Los Angeles Fire Department. Hold on tight. Everything should be restored soon.”

I shield my eyes from the brightness.

Eager to know what she looks like, I lower my hand and turn my head.

I blink.

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About Scarlett Avery

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Scarlett Avery unapologetically pens all-consuming love stories featuring sexy as sin filthy rich book boyfriends who have the determination of a thousand warriors. These alpha heroes bow to no one. Only the women who steal their hearts can bring them down to their knees.

Scarlett’s stories are intense and passionate, emotional and steamy, and leave you begging for more. In other words, they’re the perfect blend of swoony and sinful. Once you start reading Scarlett’s novels, there’s no going back!

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