Review: Forever Enough by Kelly Elliott

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Not long out of college, Mackenzie Reeves has found herself halfway across the country, relocated from Atlanta, Georgia, to small-town Hamilton, Montana. But it’s not just a fresh start—it’s an escape. For years, she’s been trying to steer clear of the abusive stepfather who’s made her life hell and turned her mother into someone she doesn’t recognize. Now, on Dirk and Merit Littlewood’s gorgeous farm, she’s found a bit of peace. Until a certain dimpled, dark-eyed handsome devil walks into her barn and changes her life with a single look.

Not quite twenty-four, and champion bull rider Bradly Littlewood already feels twice his age. He loves the sport, but between the politics, the lonely nights, missing his family…his heart and head are no longer in the game. And when he’s home for the holidays, surrounded by cousins who’ve married and started their own families, he can add jealousy to the mix. He’s missed so much, and he wants what they have. Turns out, one unplanned stop at the family barn and he may have found it…in the form of a pajama-clad angel, singing and dancing for a captive audience of farm animals.

Mackenzie and Bradly’s instant smolder in the barn becomes a blazing wildfire within days, surprising everyone. Both their futures are uncertain for very different reasons. But their love? That’s rock solid. Beyond a doubt.

A love so strong, so unbreakable, even forever isn’t enough.

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Forever Enough is a sweet and swoon-worthy romance that will captivate readers from page one and leave them rooting for a happily ever after.

Forever Enough might be an instalove/love at first sight romance, but it isn’t afraid to tackle tough topics. Mackenzie has had a tough past that she’d do anything to forget, while Bradley has been searching for the one who would complete him. Both have never been in a real relationship before, so of course there would be some bumps along the way, but I loved watching these two navigate their way through all the obstacles life threw at them.

Mackenzie proves to be strong even when her past catches up with her. I loved that added bit of drama. It shows that some people will never change no matter how much you want them to and that justice isn’t always so far out of reach.

In true Kelly Elliott fashion, she sets up the next book perfectly and will have readers desperate to get their hands on the next book in this series.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

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