Tag Archives: Angsty

RELEASE BLITZ: Love, Utley by S.J. Tilly

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Love, Utley by S.J. Tilly is now live! 


Maddox Lovelace. The captivating football player I met in college. 

The one I only knew for a week. A week that was… life-changing.

Until my phone rang, and I had no choice but to go home.

I left Maddox a letter, putting my feelings on paper, giving him my number, hoping he’d call.

But he didn’t call. 

He never called.

He got drafted into the professional league and lived like a king while I stayed home and struggled to stay afloat. 

I may have followed his career, but now that he’s retired from football, I’ve forced myself to stop thinking about him. 

And it’s okay that I won’t ever see him again. That week in college was fifteen years ago.

I’m not in love with Maddox anymore. 

I might even hate him.


Hannah Utley. The name that’s haunted me since my senior year of college. 

The girl who caught my attention with her wide eyes and freckled nose. 

Who spent one week twisting up my insides until she stole a piece of my heart the night we got locked inside the campus library.

The girl who disappeared without a word.

It’s the name of the girl I’ve been trying to forget for fifteen years. 

And it’s the name looking up at me from the résumé in my hand. 

Because Hannah Utley works for the company I just purchased. 

And that makes her mine. Whether she likes it or not.

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3VYwg9Y

Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/LoveUtley

Audible: https://adbl.co/3KaPBy9

Narrated by: Andi Arndt & Jacob Morgan

Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/44nWpSm

Meet S.J. Tilly

Like all her books, S.J. Tilly resides in the glorious state of Minnesota, where she was born and raised. To avoid the freezing cold winters, S.J. enjoys burying her head in books, whether to read them or write them or listen to them.

When she’s not busy writing her contemporary smut, she can be found lounging with her husband and their herd of rescue boxers. And when the weather permits she loves putting her compost to use in the garden, pretending to know what she’s doing. The neighbors may not like the flowery mayhem of her yard, but the bees sure do. And really, that’s more important.

Connect with S.J. Tilly

Website: https://www.sjtilly.com/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21212705.S_J_Tilly

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/S.J.-Tilly/author/B08WPK79SN

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beanbagbookclubsjtillyreadergroup/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sjtillyauthor/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SJTillyAuthor

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@s.j.tilly.author

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/s-j-tilly

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/SjTillyAuthor/

Book Review – Bad Romeo by Leisa Rayven

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WOW! wow wow wow. Bad Romeo put me through the emotional wringer from start to finish and I absolutely LOVED it. It was a true romance in every sense of the word, both heartbreaking and swoon-worthy in equal parts. But beware – it is pretty angsty. I am an angst lover so this suited me down to the ground. 

“My body is against his, and my hands are in his hair, and every single reason I should stay away melts as our mouths open to each other. It’s rough and desperate and full of passion I don’t want to feel. But this…this is where all the best memories of him live.”

The story switches back and forth between the past and the present day. The past tells us the story of how Cassie and Ethan met and came to be, and the present day revolves around their reconciliation after a period of around three years. I LOVED following their journey from the beginning and getting to experience those first precious moments of when they met, as well as all of their trials and tribulations along the way. 

Cassie and Ethan first meet in acting school, where they are cast as the star-crossed lovers in Romeo and Juliet. Sparks fly and tensions rise between them until they finally beak through the barriers they have set in place and fall into a passionate relationship. Cassie is a sweet girl with a positive outlook on life, and Ethan is a typical bad boy with a huge chip on his shoulder. Bit by bit they fall madly and deeply in love, until Ethans issues come to the surface and tear them apart leaving Cassie a devastated and heart-broken shell of herself.

Three years later they are once again on-stage playing young lovers, however, this time it is Cassie with the issues and Ethan is the one determined to make up for his past mistakes and win back Cassies love. It may be too little too late for Cassie though who struggles daily to cope with the gaping hole Ethan left in her heart.

“I want things to be different. If you want me to apologize, I’ll do it until I lose my fucking voice. I just want things to be right between us. Talk to me. Help me fix this.

“You can’t.”

I absolutely LOVED how well the author has captured the tension, heartbreak and passion between Casssie and Ethan. I could feel every moment and was completely absorbed in their story. Angsty? Yes, but it is also such a beautiful and believable story of young love and loss, and how to cope when the person who crushed you beyond repair suddenly reappears in your life. 

Bad Romeo is Part One of a two part book series and it DOES end on a cliffhanger (I know, I know), but trust me; you want to read this story. Lovers of romance everywhere will be a puddle of emotion on the ground by the end of it. Book two, Broken Juliet, is out in April 2015, so not long to wait. And I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the rest of Cassie and Ethan’s story. 

*ARC received via Netgalley